Biola Broadcaster - 1968-07

you to get right with God and re­ ceive Jesus Christ as Saviour and your Lord. “It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judg­ ment.” You will be conscious. Come to Jesus Christ, repent of your sin, and get right with God. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou s"halt be saved.” OFF DUTY UNTIL FALL I forgot my Lord in the summertime Just the time I was needed most; I was not away, but on each Lord's day I just failed to be at my post. I forgot my church in the summertime As I lazily lay in bed, While the faithful few had my work to do; And I was spiritually dead. I forgot my offering in the summer­ time When it was needed most of all; While my cash was spent, I was pleas­ ure-bent. Just off duty from God till fall. If my Lord should come in the sum­ mertime, When from duty to God I am free, I wonder what I'd do when my life is through If by chance He should forget me?

If dead there would be no sound forthcoming from the sound box simply because I would not be there to cause it to function. It is I, the unseen man, who causes my voice to speak, or my body to move. If I were to die this instant, I would simply leave the body. The body is not the man; it is merely the shell or the case that carries the man about. God created man from the dust of the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. God placed man in the body. “Man became a living soul.” The Bible doesn’t say that man has a soul. We speak that way but the Bible doesn’t. So when a person dies, the body dies. The individual simply takes his departure from the body. If he’s a believer in Jesus Christ, he goes to be with the Lord (Phil. 1:23; II Cor. 5:6-9). Isn’t it interesting and tragic that we make so much of the body while neglecting the spiritual part of man ? We do more for the body than we do for the spiritual part of man. The body will not be here very long. One of these days, you and I will die, if our Lord does not come first. They will put us in a box and lower us in a grave, throw dirt on us and tap the dirt with a shovel. That will be the end of the body until it is raised again to eternal life or to eternal judgment. The spiritual part of man never dies. It never lapses into a state of sleep or unconsciousness. When we read of the soul’s perish­ ing, it simply means that it loses its well-being. It doesn’t pay to tamper with Bible truth. Those false cults which teach the soul sleep are in grave danger of the judgment for leading many astray. If the Bible is wrong, you’ll be a better man in this life for hav­ ing received the Lord Jesus Christ. You may be assured, however, that the Bible is not wrong. It must be right because it is the Word of God, and the Lord wrote it. It behooves

A CALL FOR YOU Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do," For the souls of men are dying And the Master calls for you.

Every talent yielded to Him, Every effort He will bless; Christ who gave His all for you Deserves your all, not less. Through His church He needs your service, Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly while He calleth, "Take me, Lord, use me."


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