Biola Broadcaster - 1968-07

people doing who are absent from the body and present with the Lord? Are they resting?" A . We believe that we will know each other in heaven. No one knows just exactly what that rela­ tionship will be; however, we may be assured that it will be perfect. As to what our loved ones are do­ ing now, we may find some real insight from Revelation 13. This would indicate that they are rest­ ing from their labors and vexa­ tious trials which are so much a part of life. You may be sure that when we get to heaven, we will be glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ, singing praises unto Him throughout the eternal ages. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” We read in Revelation 22:3, “And his ser­ vants shall serve him,” so we know we shall have something to do. Q. Sacramento, Calif. — “I f Chris­ tians eventually will live in Heav­ en, who will inhabit the new earth? Also, what will it look like if God is going to completely reno­ vate it?” A. Heaven is the eternal destina­ tion of the believer (Phil. 3:20 and 21). The new earth will be inhabited by those believers of other ages who are not in the church age, such as Abraham and David. There will be people who will be saved out of the Great Tribulation, Jews and Gentiles. In our resurrection bodies, we will also have access to the earth if we desire. No one knows what the new earth will look like with God as the Divine Architect. It would be impossible to fathom its beauty and majesty. If, in the Millennium the earth has a spring cleaning, the desert blooming as a rose, think what it will be like in a permanent condition, a perfect new heaven and the new earth! The

Church age there will be a definite falling away. We are astounded at some of the ridiculous state­ ments churchmen have made. We cannot but feel those things are very definite signs of the end times. Keep in mind that God has always His own, His remnant. Look at Luke 18:8. Certainly the dominant characteristic of the age is unbelief. Q. Bakersfield, Calif. — “Will Judas be the antichrist?” A. Some theologians believe that he will. This is sometimes assumed from John 17:12 and II Thessa- lonians 2:3. Actually, however, Judas was a type of the antichrist. There is no definite indication that this will be the actual case. This person will be some great world-wide figure who will arise at the end of the age to obtain complete control as the economic, religious and military dictator of the world. Q. Fresno, Calif___ “Will Christians be judged in heaven? Is this what is meant by I Corinthians 3:9- 15?” A. Yes, from Scripture, this would be the indication. This is not the Great White Throne judgment of God upon sin, but the judgment seat of Christ for rewards for be­ lievers. We believe this event takes place in heaven (II Tim. 4:8; Rev. 22:12). This is where God’s throne itself is located. We will be caught up through the clouds past the first and second heavens into the very presence of the Lord. There’s no such thing as “seven heavens.” Q. Reedley, Calif. — “Will we know each other in heaven? I ’m sure you’ve answered this before but I haven’t heard it. I t’s always been of concern to me. What are those 20

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