Biola Broadcaster - 1968-07

some Sunday mornings? Put first things first. We haven’t been called to a life of ease and luxury. You’re needed in your church, if for no other reason than to give a ready untness to those about you of your earnest faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

A PERFECT RECORD A number of our faithful listeners have reached 80. That’s a real attain­ ment. Yet what do you think of the record of Mrs. Ella Craig of Porter, Oklahoma, who at 81 hadn’t missed a single Sunday at church in 20 years; 1,040 consecutive Sundays? That’s quite an achievement; perhaps unparalleled. Those interviewing her asked, “What’s the matter?. Don’t you ever go any­ where on Saturday so that you get up tired on Sunday morning? Don’t you ever have headaches, colds, nervous spells, tired feelings, or physical trou­ ble of any kind? Don’t you have any friends who have invited you for week­ end trips down to the seashore or up to the mountains? Doesn’t it ever rain or snow? Don’t you ever get your feelings hurt by somebody in the church? Haven’t you ever gotten mad at the preacher or your Sunday School teach­ er? Don’t you have a radio or television to which you can listen? There are some good programs On the air. Don’t you ever have any family reunions, homecomings, or birthday dinners on Sunday?” Of course, the obvious answer to all of these questions was that Mrs. Craig at 80 certainly had experienced all of these circumstances. The fact of the matter is, she just put first things first! No wonder her record was per­ fect. We so readily rationalize and ex­ cuse ourselves when it comes to staying away from God’s house. Have you ever wondered what would happen if the Lord made us as sick as we claim to be

Tithes may build a church, but tears will give it life.

DEFINITION OF SAINTS Have you ever thought of yourself as a letter which people can read day by day? It’s a fact, for, as a child of God, you’re the only Christian some­ body knows. Having never attended her aunt’s large stone church, a little girl was captivated by the beautiful stained glass windows. It was just the right time of the morning as the golden sun­ light poured through the magnificently- colored masterpieces. Intrigued by the figures portrayed in the glass, the child asked, “Auntie, who a/re those people up in the pretty jewel-like vnndows?” When told they were saints, the lass exclaimed, “Now I know what saints are! They’re people who let the light shine through them.” She spoke cor­ rectly with a unsdom beyond her years! Even so, we need to let the light shine through us so that others may see Jesus Christ who Himself is truly the light of life. May our earnest pra/yer of heart be: 23

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