Biola Broadcaster - 1968-07

instances, but remember that the Lord’s strength is made perfect in weakness. God’s wisdom, foolishness to the world, can be perfected in you through the power of the Holy Spirit in the procla­ mation of His truth.

“Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me, All His wonderful passion and purity, Oh, thou Spirit divine, All my nature refine, Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me!”

The person who is good at making «*• cuses is seldom good at anything else.

Children may tear up a house, but they seldom will break up a home.

CHILDHOOD MEMORIES This is the time of the year to salute fathers. Those are especially deserving who have set their children a good ex­ ample in the things of God’s Word. In such an affluent society there are many things we may be able to give our fami­ lies as a result of financial investments. Most generally, however, the more im­ portant and greater treasures which will last for eternity, can never be pur­ chased urith money. You men listening, let me ask you frankly, “What do you want your child to remember about his home?” You realize that there’s no finer thing for him to recall than that father and mother really loved each other. 18 that true where you live? Will your child remember home as a place which was happy because of a mutual love for Jesus Christ? Will your child be able to testify that home was where the Word of God was carefully and prayerfully handled, Scriptural por­ tions were read not just when company came, but as a consistent regular hab­ it? Will your child remember home as a place where he had the opportunity of communicating with those he loved? He could ask questions of a serious nature and receive straight answers based upon the Bible as the only final authority. Will your children remem­ ber that Sunday was set apart? There was an altogether different aspect and atmosphere from other days of the week. Your family, together, attended church and became involved with a con­ sistent worship of God. Will your child remember home as a place where he heard father, as well as mother, pray­ ing for his spiritual guidance and wel­ fare? Ye8, tremendous are the respon­ sibilities we fathers, as well as mothers, must bear. You may not feel worthy. You may be faltering in a imrnber of 24

THE STORY OF THE PRODIGAL FATHER A certain man had two sons; and the younger of them said to him, “Fa­ ther, give me the portion of thy time, thy attention, and thy companionship which falleth to me.” And he divided unto him his living in that he paid the boy’s bills and sent him to a select preparatory school, and to college, and tried to believe that he was doing his full duty by the boy. And not many days after, the father gathered all his interests, aspirations, ambitions and took his journey into a far country, into a line of stocks, bonds, securities and other things which don’t seem to interest boys; and there he wasted his precious opportunity of being a companion to his own son. And when he had spent the very best of his life, and had gained money, but had failed to find satisfaction, there a/rose a mighty famine in his heart. He began to be in want of sympathy and real fellowship. So he decided to join himself to one of the clubs of that country. They even elected him president, but he would fain have sat­ isfied himself with the husks that other men did eat, and no man gave unto him any real friendship. But when he came to himself, he said, “How many men of my acquaint­ ance have boys whom they understand and who understand them? Here I per­ ish with heart hunger. I will arise and go to my son and will say to him, ‘Son, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight; I am no more worthy to be called thy father; make me as one of thy acquaintances.’ ” And he arose and came to his son, but while he was still afar off, his son saw him and was moved with astonish-

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