Discover A GAME CHANGER To Pain Relief! Have you ever struggled with a problem for a long time only to find a “decent solution,” then, go on to discover something that would have totally changed the game for you back then? I have. For me, that discovery was the KneeKG™.
Luis Zuniga PT, DPT, CHT, MTC
Like most of my entries this one is personal. My wife had a long history of knee problems and we tried all of the traditional approaches to alleviate her pain, but, to no avail. Looking back now, if we had access to the KneeKG™ biomechanical evaluation system things may have been completely different. Her knee problem started as many do, a slight discomfort. Being the hard-working woman she is, she ignored it and tried to tough it out. Over time osteoarthritis set in and the condition worsened with each passing year. The thing is, with knee dysfunction and injuries, the longer you allow it to be a problem, the worse it gets. This condition, unattended, will likely result in a knee replacement surgery. Over time, the osteoarthritis pain can leave you debilitated and your quality of life decreases dramatically. No one wants to live in pain. This is unfortunately what happened to my wife. One weekend we were visiting my son in Chicago. Our hotel was in the center of the block. In cities like Chicago and New York, when you catch a cab you walk in the direction you’re going to travel in to avoid the traffic. As we leave the building I remember saying to Mary, “Let’s go down a block to the corner to catch a cab heading in the right direction.” She looked at me and said “...I can’t.” My wife couldn’t walk half a block. She told me her knee was absolutely killing her. Sure enough, when I looked at it, it was swollen like an orange. Her knee condition had progressed to a point where she couldn’t walk that half a block to catch a cab! She was now struggling to do what she loved and that was walking the city with her son. Things had to change. Later that evening I expressed to her, “The condition has gotten worse. Your knee is now at the point where it is stopping you from doing what you love to do and I think we have no option but to have the knee replacement as soon as possible.” Fast forward and she had the knee replacement surgery. I have a lot of experience treating knee replacement patients and I know it’s a big operation. Fortunately, my team and I are good at recovering these cases. Great surgery, outstanding rehab, equals supurb outcomes! She is doing great now. After watching her go through this experience from start to finish I thought to myself “there has to be a way to measure or monitor her knee to better guide me so I can help her reduce some of this tremendous pain.” I dug into the research and discovered the KneeKGTM system. This technology is simply amazing. I cannot promise that it would have kept her from having the surgery but it could have certainly improved her quality of life leading up to it. I strongly believe that utilizing the
KneeKGTM would have helped us better treat her condition in the years leading up to that Chicago trip. This is why I’m thrilled that Fyzical El Paso is now able to offer our patients this evaluation and diagnostic technology at all of our clinics. TheKneeKG™ is aimedat directing your physical therapists’ understanding of the real time movements that are causing you knee pain. Put simply, the KneeKG™ is a new examination tool that identifies the cause of knee pain, and measures movements of the knee that aren’t detectable to the human eye. Once we know the cause of the pain, we can implement the appropriate treatment to solve the problem and get you back to doing the things you love to do. This technology measures motion in 3 planes - front to back, side to side, and rotation of the bottom of the leg around the thigh. The reason this is so important is these movements can’t be detected by the eye and they may be where your pain is coming from. These small changes are detected by KneeKG™ and used by your therapist to tailor a custom treatment plan targeting the specific pain causing issues. Treating these changes in how your leg absorbs energy when you walk, saves your joint from abnormal forces, and advancing osteoarthritis. In short, this is huge news! Because of the information we now have from using this device, we’re aware of all the information we didn’t have before. That’s why we’re embracing this technology, and why we truly believe that it can benefit so many of our patients. I can only imagine what my wife’s experience would have been had we been able to use this technology as part of her treatment. My patients reaching their goals and overcoming painful obstacles so they can return to what they love doing is what’s important to me. I strongly encourage you to try the KneeKG™ out for yourself in any of our offices, and end your summer off on the right foot!
- Luis Fyzical El Paso
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