4A — June 14 - 27, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal www.marejournal.com M id A tlAntic R eAl e stAte J ouRnAl A uctions
SVN – Miller Comm’l. RE orchestrates transaction Avalon Plaza in Salisbury, MD sells via online auction
ALISBURY, MD — Brent Miller, CCIM, CPM , managing direc-
contiguous buildings totaling 33,770 s/f located on US Rte. 13 in Salisbury, MDwith national- ly anchored tenants including Outback Steakhouse, Chico’s and Talbots. The live online auction was held in Chambers at the Bankruptcy Court; four qualified bidders were present in the Court Chambers and five qualified bidders attended via Sperry Van Ness’ online inter- net bidding platform. Kayvan Mehrbakhsh, CCIM , manag- ing director for the Sperry Van Ness office in Fairfax, VA rep- resented the buyer. The final cash bid was $5,925,000. Merrill Cohen of Cohen, Baldinger and Greenfeld in Bethesda, MD said, “I wanted to offer my congratulations and sincere appreciation in the Avalon Plaza, LLC Bankruptcy
Case. Brent, you and your team exhibited a high level of thoroughness and a great degree of professionalism. Many of the interested bidders commented on your team’s re- sponsiveness with answers to their questions regarding the property, market conditions and demographics all impor- tant to buyers of operating retail centers.” SVN-Miller is an Accred- ited Management Orga- nization (AMO). Our team includes a highly-trained staff of Certified Property Man- agers (CPM), Brokers who hold the prestigious Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation, and members of the Society of Industrial and Office Real- tors (SIOR). n
tor of Sperry Van Ness – Miller Com- mercialReal Estate an- nounced that Avalon Plaza irecently sold at auc t i on.
Brent Miller
Merrill Cohen , the Trustee for Avalon Plaza , appointed Louis Fisher, III , national director and David Gilmore, managing director, both SVN Auction Team Advisors, as marketing agents/auctioneers, and Brent Miller, CCIM, CPM as the local headquarter bro- ker. SVN-Miller also served as the court appointed property manager. Avalon Plaza consists of three
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