
8C — June 14 - 27, 2013 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


C entral Pa Located at 920-930 Main Street, williamsport Landmark Commercial Realty’s Heller & Bobincheck arrange $4.6m apartment complex sale W ILLIAMSPoRT, PA — Landmark Com- mercial Realty, Inc./

onCoR International , a full service Commercial/Industrial Brokerage located in Harris- burg, PA announces the sale of Lakeview Apartments located at 920-930 Main Street, Wil- liamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. This 102 unit garden apartment complex is well situated in the ever ex- pandingMarcellus Shale region and is situated on a beautifully manicured 30 acre property. The complex was purchased for $4,600,000 by the Lakeview

920-930 Main Street

Apartments of Williamsport, LP. Their plans are to continue to operate the complex as a market rate garden style apart- ment community. The Lakeview Apartments is a market rate complex lo- cated in South Williamsport and is comprised of a mix of one, two and three bedroom units. There are also plans for the construction of additional unit’s on the 30 acre property. The location provides easy ac- cess to DowntownWilliamsport and is centrally located in the North Central region of PA. The buyers of the community plan to add this to their market rate portfolio that currently expands across the Pennsyl- vania Region. Chuck Heller, associate broker and drewBo- bincheck, CCIM of Landmark Commercial Realty, Inc./ON- COR International handled the recent sales transaction. n RgS Associates opens new office in Lancaster LAnCASTER, PA — RgS Associates along with their landlord, oak Tree develop- ment group and a number of their friends, neighbors and business partners gathered to commemorate the grand open- ing of their new office located in Downtown Lancaster. RGS Associates is an award- winning landscape architecture and civil engineering firm who provides their clients with creative site design and entitle- ment services beginning with initial feasibility investigations and continuing through project construction. Founded in 1993, RGS specializes in the thought- ful design of retirement com- munities, commercial centers, residential neighborhoods, and urban centers located through- out central PA. n

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