Daycare Services
• Prompt Medical Assistance and care will be extended towards the children as and when required. • Meals will be cooked and served hygienically. The menu for each day will be planned considering the nutritive value of the food served , also ensuring wholesome food is oered hygienically. • A rich play area with the best layout and furnishings is of utmost importance for us, ensuring a wide variety of materials used in all our indoor and outdoor areas. The area will be safe and challenging, arousing curiosity and creativity amongst the children. • A weekly programme will be planned for dierent activities. A dance teacher, a music teacher and an artist will be conducting classes at the centre alternately for the children. • The children who will be spending long hours at the centre will be encouraged to complete their homework at the centre itself. Activities And Routines At Daycare • We will have xed timings for the activities. • No child will be forced to participate, but we do encourage the children to try out new things. The child has the liberty to leave the group at any point of time for a specic activity. • We organize games and activities that stimulate them to learn actively and work out solutions for themselves, thus, strengthening their motivation, self-condence and independence. • Depending on the age of the child, we will organise trips, drama and dance lessons, musical activities or yoga sessions. • Routine provides structure to the day and gives the children a sense of security. Starting the day together with a game, a story or a discussion, washing hands and singing a song together, eating, and a set pattern to saying hello and goodbye; are all routines that form a part of each day.
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