Aulsbrook Law Firm - November 2019

Engage Your Kids on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and many people are looking forward to the food this holiday always brings. There’s nothing like a serving of turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes to put us in prime napping condition. However, if you feel like napping after dinner, avoid getting behind the wheel. Many Americans report feeling tired throughout the day, so being a bit sleepy while driving might not seem like such a big deal. In reality, drowsy driving is incredibly dangerous, and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it accounts for about 30% of traffic accidents. Research from the National Sleep Foundation found drowsy driving might be as dangerous as driving while inebriated. After being awake for 18 hours, drivers exhibit the same responses as if they had a BAC of 0.05%. Meanwhile, being awake for 24 hours is like having a BAC of 0.10%. For context, a BAC of 0.08% is considered drunk. Should You Drive After Your Thanksgiving Meal?

With These Gratitude-Themed Games

Thanksgiving is an excellent time to teach children about gratefulness. By planning some fun, gratitude-themed games, you can impart a valuable lesson and spend some quality family time together. Get your kids in the holiday spirit by adding a Thanksgiving twist to these classic games.


Want to bring out your kids’ creative sides? Pictionary is the perfect way to encourage artistic expression and grateful thinking. Try adding a rule where players have to draw something they’re grateful for. This will get your kids thinking beyond turkey and stuffing and give them an imaginative way to express their gratitude. Plus, who doesn’t love a good art contest?

Guess Who?

Here are some of the signs of drowsy driving: • Trouble focusing • Heavy eyelids • Yawning • Bobbing your head • Drifting from your lane • Missing your exit • Being unable to remember the last stretch of road

To play gratitude-themed Guess Who?, have each participant write down their name and something they’re thankful for on a slip of paper and put it in a bowl. Then, at the dinner table, have each person draw a random slip and read what it says without saying the name while everyone else tries to guess who wrote it. While Pictionary may get your kids talking about what they are thankful for, Guess Who? will tune them into what others around them are thankful for too. Like regular pick-up sticks, the goal is to remove a stick from a haphazard pile without disturbing the others. However, by using colored sticks that represent different kinds of thankfulness — such as places, people, or food — you can make players think outside the box. This will ensure you get a wide range of creative, thoughtful answers whenever the kids pick up a stick. These modified games are great for helping your kids realize how much they have to be thankful for. Use these to spend some fun, educational, quality time with your family this Thanksgiving. Pick-Up Sticks

When sleep starts to tug at their eyelids, many drivers roll down the window to get a blast of cold air or turn up the radio extra loud. Unfortunately, these tactics only startle a driver back into alertness for a brief moment and fail to address the dangers of drowsy driving. If you feel drowsy behind the wheel, the National Sleep Foundation recommends safely pulling over to take a 20-minute nap, drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee, or, if possible, switching drivers. The best way to prevent drowsy driving is to get enough sleep, not drive late at night, and make sure you are not living with an undiagnosed sleep disorder. A little extra precaution can help make sure you and your passengers all get home safely.



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