How can I spot a possible concussion? Concussions are a fairly common injury, but many people are unaware of exactly what happens when one gets a concussion. This injury is a result of an impact, in which thebraincollideswith the insideof theskull.Thiscanbecausedbyaharsh blowtotheheadoranytraumatic jolttothebody.Concussionscanalsobecaused ifa violentback-and-forthmotion(suchaswhiplash)oftheheadtakesplace.Whenyour headtosses indifferentdirectionsrapidly(suchas fromacarcrashorharsh football tackle), your brain gets tossed along inside it, bouncing off the bony enclosure of yourskull.Concussionscanresult inanumberofunfortunatesymptoms,suchas:
Physical Therapists Offer Backpack uses the mantra of “If in doubt, sit it out” as a guide for parents, coaches and healthcare providers. Removal from play decreases the risk of suffering another concussionandprolongingrecovery.Healthcareprovidersshouldperformasideline assessmentwhichmay include tests toruleoutaneck injury, issueswithmemory andneurocognitive tests (testsof thinking).Afterward,youshould follow-upwitha healthcareprovider forreassessmentandmanagementof thesportsconcussion. Treatment forsportsconcussionconsistsofrestandchanges indailyactivities in the initial stages of recovery. Activities or environments that provoke symptoms shouldbeavoidedandmay include loudmusic, television,smartphoneuse,video games and thinking tasks. Getting plenty of sleep and naps during this stage of healing is very important in the recovery from concussion. A gradual return to symptom-free physical activity is appropriate when the patient’s symptoms begin to improve. Guidance from a qualified healthcare provider is very important during this stage of recovery. Physical therapists can evaluate and manage possible inner ear conditions associated with head trauma, balance deficits, neck pain, headaches, dizziness and appropriately pace a return to cardiovascular activity. The final phase of concussion recovery includes a graded return to play protocol thatslowlyprogresses from lightactivity to fullparticipation inorder tobecleared for a full return to sports. This phase is not initiated until a patient has already returnedtoa fullreturnto learning inschoolwithoutaccommodations,performing at their prior level of academic achievement and does not experience symptoms with learningtasks. Physicaltherapistsarequalified toprogressapatient through a return to play protocol and work with the physician for final clearance. How can Physical Therapy help a patient recover from a sports concussion? Physical therapists play an important role on a concussion management team. Physical Therapist will evaluate and treat many aspects of concussion that may include dizziness that may arise from a neck issue (cervicogenic dizziness), balance deficits, neck pain, headaches that are referred from the neck, vertigo from an inner ear condition (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), exercises for vision issues (ocular motor exercises), issues with blood pressure & heart rate with exercise (autonomic dysregulation), and help to progress patients thr ugh a graded return to play protocol. What is baseline concussion testing? Baseline concussion testing is an exam performed pre-season to any sport that assesses an athlete’s balance and brain function. This exam includes learning andmemoryskills, theability topayattentionorconcentrateandhowquickly the athletethinksandsolvesproblems. Baselinetestinghelpshealthcareprofessionals makecomparisons throughpost injury testingand thenaides them indetermining when the athlete can safely return-to-play. It’s important to know that Professional Care Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation now offers FREE baseline ImPACT screening. Please give us a call at our East Patchogue or Riverhead location for more information! WRONG CORRECT Strap on one shoulder Wide, padded straps on of body weight both shoulders ! Wear both straps Use of one strap causes one side of wearing 2 shoulder straps, the weig Wear the backpack over the st Pay close attention to the way the b evenly in the middle of the back. Sh put on and take off the backpack wit Straps should not be too loose, and Lighten the load Keep the load at 10%-15% or less o are required for the day. Organize t items closest to the back. Some stu carry the heavy books to and from s How a Physical Therapist Can A physical therapist can help you ch child. Children come in all shapes a require special adaptations. Additio problems, correct muscle imbalance backpack use. Physical therapists c help children get strong and stay str ! !
· Memory loss and confusion · Nausea and vomiting · Inability to focus · Dizziness · Fatigue
· Painful and chronic
headaches/migraines · Sensitivity to light and sound
· Ringing in the ears · Visual abnormalities · Slurring of speech
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may have a concussion.
What is the normal recovery time for a concussion? The normal recovery time from a concussion varies from person to person and pastconcussionrecoverytimedoesnotpredict futurerecoverytime. Thepatient’s signs/symptomsandcourseofrecoverydependuponthe locationofthemildbrain injury and the severity of their injury. However, studies have shown that 80% of athletesrecover from theirconcussionwithin threeweeks,but20%ofconcussed patients may take much longer to recover. What are some risk factors for a delayed or a prolonged recovery? Not effectively treating a concussion right away can lead to some serious health risks. Inseverecases,concussionscanresult inbrainbleedsthatrequireemergency medical treatment. In cases such as this, your condition will be treated at the hospital ASAP. Delayed treatmentcanalso lead toconditionssuchaspost-concussionsyndrome. Post-concussionsyndrome isaseriouscondition thatcan last forseveralmonths, evenwithoutposingobvioussymptoms.Peoplewhohavepost-concussionsyndrome may experience bouts of dizziness, vertigo, or persistent headaches, that will not go away without treatment. If you believe you may have a concussion, the best solution is to seek the help of a medical professional right away to avoid the risk of worsening the concussion. With the help of physical therapy, you can receive the necessary treatment for your specific needs. What should I do to help my child recover? Thefirstpriority inthemanagementofasportsconcussion istoremovethem from play as soon as a concussion is suspected. The American Academy of Neurology
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