The Fundamentals (1910), Vol.1


The Fundamentals. loosen. I t is the very same word as is used in the Apocalypse about loosing us from our sins; or if you will be more graphic, it is the word used in the Acts of the Apostles when you read that the ship was broken to pieces; loosed, dissolved, that which had been a consistent whole, was broken up and scattered and wrecked. The word “destroyed” may be perfectly correct, but let us understand it. He was manifested to do a work in human histoiy the result of which should be that the works of the devil should lose their consistency. The cohesive force that makes them appear stable until this moment, He came to loosen and dissolve. He was manifested to destroy death by the gift of life. He was manifested to destroy darkness by the gift of light. He was manifested to destroy hatred by the gift of love. He was manifested to destroy lawlessness by the gift of law. He was manifested to loosen, to break up, to de­ stroy the negatives which spoil, by the bringing of the positive that remakes and uplifts. He was manifested to destroy'the works of the devil as to death, by the gift of life. This means first spiritual life, which is fellowship with God. It means also mental life, the vision of the open secret. Not yet perfectly do we understand, but already the trusting soul, utterly devoid of education, hears more in the wind at eventide, and sees more in the blossoming of the flowers than any merely scientific man can do. He who sees has the true intellectual vision which Christ has bestowed in His gift of life. “This is life eternal, that they should know thee the only true God.” The gift of life was to destroy death, and the man who has His gift of life laughs in the face of death, laughs triumphantly. I believe that there was laughter in the apostle’s tone when he said, “O death, where is thy sting?” As though he had said, what hast thou done with thy victory ? I trembled in thv presence once, O rider upon the pale horse; but now I laugh in thy face, for

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