The Fundamentals (1910), Vol.1


The Fundamentals. conceivable that He should have said what He does say in John 16:7, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; I t is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but, if I depart, I will send Him unto you,” if this other Comforter that was coming to take His place was only an influence or power? ONE AT OUR SIDE. This becomes clearer still when we bear in mind that the word translated “Comforter” means comforter plus a great deal more beside. The revisers found a great deal of difficulty in translating the Greek word. They have suggested “advo­ cate,” “helper” and a mere transference of the Greek word “Paraclete” into the English. The word so translated is Parakleetos, the same word that is translated “advocate” in 1 John 2:1; but “advocate” does not give the full force and significance of the word etymologically. Advocate means about the same as Parakleetos, but the word in usage has ob­ tained restricted sense. “Advocate’’ is Latin; Parakleetos is Greek. The exact Latin word is “advocatus” which means one called to another. (That is, to help him or take his part or represent him.) Parakleetos means one called alongside, that is, one who constantly stands by your side as your helper, counsellor, comforter, friend. I t is very nearly the thought expressed in the familiar hymn, “Ever present, truest friend.” Up to the time that Jesus had uttered these words, He Him­ self had been the Parakleetos to the disciples, the Friend at hand, the Friend who stood by their side. When they got into any trouble, they turned to Him. On one occasion they de­ sired to know how to pray and they turned to Jesus and said, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). On another occasion Peter was sinking in the waves of Galilee and he cried, say­ ing, “Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him,” and saved him (Matt. 14:30, 31). In every extremity they turned to Him. Just so now that Jesus

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