The Fundamentals (1910), Vol.1


The Fundamentals. tian disciples five to one and the constituency is therefore very large. Let us have the experiment conducted, not on the faith basis, but in strictly scientific method! When we see an infidel carrying on such a work, building five great orphan houses and sustaining over 2,000 orphans from day to day without any direct appeal to human help, yet finding all sup­ plies coming in without even a failure in sixty years, we shall be ready to reconsider our present conviction that it was because the living God heard and helped George Muller, that he who began with a capital of one shilling, took care of more than ten thousand orphans, aided hundreds of mission­ aries, scattered millions of Bibles and tracts, and in the course of his long life expended about $7,500,000 for God and hu­ manity; and then died with all his possessions valued at less than eight hundred dollars.

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