King's Business - 1941-12

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

December, 1941


responding’ word in the Greek original, and the Revised Version therefore translates “ the falling and the rising of many.” According to the first ren­ dering, it appeared to mean that the people who fell would rise again. But the reference is to two different classes of people: Through this Child some would fall, and others would rise. This is a well-known doctrine of the Bible. Isaiah long before had predicted that He would be both a “sanctuary” and “a stone of stumbling” (8:14). And Paul taught the same thing when he affirmed that the preacher of Christ was a “savor of death” (2 Cor. 2:16) to some, and a “savor of life” to others, all depending on the attitude of the hearer. Golden Text Illnstration L uke 2:52 It was Johnny, the seven-year-old, who tired of the merry-go-round. The previous summer it had fascinated him, and he could not ride on it too often. This season a single trip had satisfied him, and he declined another. “No, thank you, Grandfather,” he said. “You see, we ride and ride, but we stay under that old tent all the time. I guess when any one gets to bfe seven years old, they’re too big to care about going and going that doesn’t get any­ where.” Growth—the maturing of the whole personality and its interests—is the normal development according to God’s plan. And the Lord Jesus Christ’ in His perfect self-limitation to the level of humanity advanced in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. —Adapted from the_ §>unday School Times. Friends at Church L uke 2:25-35, 39, 40 MEMORY VERSE: “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good” (Psa. 136:1). APPROACH: Did you ever see people bringing their babies to church to have them dedicated? The fathers and moth­ ers stand together, and one of them one. Sometimes the grandparents,' or holds each little

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The Author

847 Ottawa Ave., N. W.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Ocpt. KB

up to th.e temple. When they arrived they found a new friend—a friend who had been waiting a long time for Jesus. He was a man called Simeon—a man to whom God told secrets. He had never seen Jesus before, but the moment he looked at Him, he knew He was the Saviour. “Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: For mine eyes have seen thy salvation” (Lk. 2:28-30). Wasn’t that wonderful? Just one look at the Baby, and Simeon knew that He was God, and he was ready and willing to die! Do you think if you looked right into the face of the Lord Jesus you would know He was the Saviour? Won’t you try? For you, as well as Simeon, are not ready to die until you have seen the Saviour through His Word and have taken Him to your heart. Shall we sing: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, .And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace” ? Object Lesson S ins and S acks OBJECTS: A toy balloon, a small black sack, a small sugar sack, and a small glass jar. LESSON: Isn’t it fun to blow up a balloon and watch it grow ? Will the balloon grow very large if 1 put it in this sack ? “No, it cannot get larger than the sack.” You are right, John. It is well for us to remember that the “spiritual lives of many people are hindered by sacks of sin. In Luke 2:52 we read, “Jesus in­ creased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” There was no sin in the life of the Lord Jesus to keep Him from growing. Will this sugar sack keep the balloon from growing? “Yes, just as much as the black one.”

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some close friends, stand by, too, as the baby is presented to . the L o r d . Some­ times there are sev­ eral babies to be dedicated. How cun­ ning their l i t t l e heads look, bobbing over their parents’

5 -Division

shoulders! LESSON STORY: Today we shall learn about the most wonderful Baby in all the world and the first time He went to church. It was the Jews’ cus­ tom to present their babies to the Lord when they were very young. So Mary and Joseph took the little Lord Jesus



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