King's Business - 1941-12

A£jieboy! What will he be in 1952? Preacher? Mechanic? Professional man? Fa rm er? O ffic e worker? Missionary? Atheist? Criminal? YOU A R E M O LD IN G H IS 1952 L I F E NOW ! This fine boy is in your Sunday School class. Are you teaching him to study the Bible to show himself "approved unto Sod, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"? Are you sure you are so teaching him? The ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of Sunday School Lessons will help you teach that fine boy in 1942 to be "approved unto God" in 1952. Clarence H. Benson, Editor-In-Chief Boys and girls get 12,000 hours in the public school and an average of 170 hours in Sunday School. How important the right teaching material in those 170 hours! The growing popularity of this approved Les­ son Series is largely due to its unique ALL- BIBLE Plan. Conforms also to the sound peda­ gogical principle of Departmental Grading— all classes of each department study the same lesson each Sunday, investigate. Investigate the many new features of this, the fastest growing series of Sunday School lessons in America. Use coupon below for free Compendium of the Series, Catalog of Materials and Booklet of Flannelgraph Helps. ★ Beginner's cut-out figures on "The Triumphal Entry" in six colors on suede-backed material, also "Jacob's Ladder Dream" on plain tag stock, one color. Complete set, $1.00. ★ Primary cut-out figures, similarly produced in six colors on "The Boy Jesus Obeying Mary and Joseph," $1.00. ★ Junior set for 13 lessons. 80 figures, printed on tough tag stock, about 20 pages, per set, $1.00.

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