Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709

Melaleuca's Newest Senior Director 2 SIUTAKA VATIKANI-VAKA

Sick and tired of making someone else rich while they struggled to live week to week, Siutaka Vatikani- Vaka and Sosaia Vaka made the bold—and brave—decision to break away from tradition. With

However, after three years of hard work, the Vaka’s found that they had traded in one hardship for another. As Siu explains, “We were comfortable in that we could pay our bills. But Sosaia was working himself to the bone, often leaving at 5am and not getting home until 10pm. He could go days without even seeing our son Henry because of this.” When Siu’s best friend, Senior Director 9 Sharlene Lesa came to her with an opportunity to generate an additional income, Siu jumped at it! “I’ve always struggled with my weight, so when Sharlene showed me

over 15 years of trade experience, Sosaia perused his dream of opening his very own aluminum joinery business, with wife Siutaka at the helm of the day to day administration.


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