Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709

Directors 3

Directors 4

TALASIA & MOSESE MANU: Directors 4 WA Before joining Melaleuca, I was working hard with anMLM company selling perfumes, but making very little money. So when Senior Director 2 Siutaka Vaka approached me, I was initially sceptical! At the time I was financially struggling , but hearing that I wouldn’t have to carry inventory and I could essentially get paid to shop for the things I needed every month, I was ready to give it a go! Reaching Director 4 in just 3 months and receiving a cheque of $4,310 just in July has meant a lot to my family! It has allowed me to pay off a few bills and to put some money aside to help with my kids’ education fees. But this is only just the beginning – I want to follow in Sharlene and Esther’s footsteps, so Senior Director is what I am aiming for this month!

LISA & LUKE ARMSTRONG: Directors 3, NZ Before Melaleuca came into my life, each week consisted of tirelessly working 4 days a week in the retail industry. I would often come home at 6pm to my children who wanted and needed my time which I struggled to give. Being concerned with chemicals adversely affecting my childrens' health, Melaleuca’s health and wellness products stood out as the answer to my families health problems. I am excited to say that my July cheque of $4,199 has enabled me to pay off my credit card and my child’s school fees but more importantly, enabled me to only work just 3 days a week giving me a whole day more time spent with my family! I look forward to the day I can work Melaleuca fulltime and spend each and every moment of everyday with my children.



Achieve Senior Director and receive a Car Bonus to buy the car of your dreams. LET MELALEUCA PAY FOR YOUR CAR!



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