
Resident Leanne shares her tips for gardening on a budget

Think having a nice garden is not in your budget? Think again. Let me share with you some ways you can have the best garden for next to no money. My main tip is to score plants for free! If someone you know, whether it’s a relative, a friend, a neighbour or even a garden you walk past every day... ask for a cutting. Literally thousands of plants can grow from cuttings. Almost every suburb has a ‘buy nothing’ group on Facebook. I cannot stress enough how many established plants, tools and sprays are gifted. Join up today, score great stuff, reduce landfill and meet others in your community. Gumtree free items... for example, I have big, beautiful rocks along the perimeter of my garden. It took a lot of trips in a little Kia to collect. I’m pretty sure I got $400 worth of rocks for no money. It just took effort and lots of trips back and forth. Verge collections are like Christmas for me. From lattices, pots, plants

and discarded garden ornaments that need a bit of love. All can transform your garden. For example, I have a metal slat bed base that I got off the kerb that my passionfruit is currently covering. All Bunnings stores have a discount trolley in the

peels from carrots and cucumber and my favourite – egg shells. Do not use potato scraps unless you want potatoes sprouting everywhere. The only real expense is mulch, potting mix or soil. Look for broken bags in Bunnings. I’ve scored big bags of potting mix and mulch for $2 just because the bag was ripped. Also, think about having a small compost container. Your garden will love it and thrive. Another tip to save money and potting mix/ soil – if you have a big pot to fill with potting mix/ soil, use broken pots, tiles, even sticks and leaves to fill the bottom half of the pot. You’ll be amazed how much potting mix/soil you save. I hope these tips help. Gardening is a fantastic way to calm your farm and help with mental health issues. I cannot put into words the pride you have in yourself while enjoying what you have created. My last tip, think outside the square.

garden section. Plants are marked down daily

because they’re looking too haggard to sell at full price. Most times, they only need a trim and some water and some loving. Score plants cheap and nurture them at home. Swap meets are also good for the odd bargain. Make sure you ask the seller the best spot to plant i.e. shade or full sun. Be careful of hicks though. I once bought a plant and when I went to put it in the garden, there was no root, no nothing. As for fertilisers, you can make your own at home just using everyday bits and pieces. For example, put your banana peels in warm water in a jug... the next day give your plants a massive health kick when you water them. I also throw in used teabags,


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