S P R I NG 2021
PALS (Pat ient Advice and Liaison Service) support volunteers across the Trust Green spaces volunteers at the Fulbrook Centre in Headington Oxford Heal th Arts Partnership volunteers Ward Support - Abingdon & Wi tney Communi ty Hospi tals Admin Support - Urgent Care (Abingdon/ Vi rtual ) Packaging Support (Remote Role) We are exci ted to have space for more volunteers wi th the fol lowing teams
I f ei ther of these are of interest , please get in touch.
We would l ike to see al l our volunteers returning to thei r roles over the coming months but recognise that things may have changed for you or that you may be apprehensive about returning. At this t ime, any volunteer who has been given a low or medium r isk assessment resul t can return to thei r role as long as thei r supervisors have conf i rmed that the role has re-started and there is capaci ty to ensure your safety and support . This may mean undertaking regular COVID tests (which wi l l be provided) and wear ing PPE. I f you are high r isk, we are st i l l holding of f on returning you to your role but hope that we can start to do this short ly. However, i f you are carrying out an outside role l ike gardening, we may be able to br ing you back sooner. RETURN I NG TO VOLUNTEER ROLES OR START I NG SOMETH I NG NEW
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