Tree -Times , C&I Spring Newsletter

S P R I NG 2021



About one in three people wi th COVID-19 do not have symptoms but can st i l l infect others. Test ing remains a key part of the Government 's roadmap to al low us to safely ease out of lockdown. The Government has therefore made twice weekly rapid testing avai lable to everyone in England – even if they do not have symptoms. NHS England and NHS Improvements (NHSE/ I) Voluntary Partnerships Team recommends that al l volunteers are encouraged to take up this of fer, especial ly those support ing staf f and pat ients in face to face roles. We al ready have regular test ing arrangements local ly for staf f and, where necessary, volunteers who have returned to thei r roles. Al ternat ively, volunteers can order rapid tests onl ine. They can be del ivered to a home address, col lected from a local pharmacy or test si te, or volunteers may at tend a rapid lateral f low test si te. They can f ind more informat ion on the NHS websi te. Sel f-administered test resul ts are avai lable wi thin 30 minutes and volunteers test ing posi t ive wi l l have to sel f- isolate along wi th anyone they l ive wi th. Volunteers who develop COVID-19 symptoms or have come into contact wi th someone who has tested posi t ive should immediately sel f- isolate and seek a free PCR test ei ther by post or at a test si te. Find informat ion on how to get tested i f you have symptoms on the Government websi te.

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