Tree -Times , C&I Spring Newsletter

S P R I NG 2021

Thank you for your ongoing support to Oxford Heal th NHS Foundat ion Trust . Members of the communi ty volunteer ing to support our services is an important part of ensur ing communi ty involvement and engagement . Through the last year, we have not been able to host as many roles as usual due to the pandemic and, as restr ict ions now start to change, we thought i t would be a good opportuni ty to make sure our roles are matched to your ski l ls in the best way. This doesn' t mean we wi l l be asking you to change role or that we wi l l have new roles to meet the wide var iety of ski l ls you may have but i t might be a chance to explore new opportuni t ies. The audi t should only take a few minutes to complete but i f you have any quest ions or quer ies, please contact us at volunteer ing@oxfordheal Thank you again. VOLUNTEER AUD I T - HELP I NG TO MATCH YOUR SK I LLS TO OUR PROJECTS

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Get Involved-Volunteering

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