er false? In a song there is the line, 7 breathe His name each time I see a tree. On one He bought my soul at Calvary.’ Doesn’t this suggest a piety that doesn’t actually exist? Does the end justify the means if the end is a Christian endeavor?” A. Keep in mind that a falsehood is false whether spoken or sung. Sing ing doesn’t make something true. That doesn’t mean that we can’t sing songs which other people have felt or experienced in writing. In the melody to which you have referred, doubtless the composer was referring to an attitude of prayer which we all need to practice. We are singing someone’s personal testimony. At the same time, we know there are a lot of so called “religious” tunes which have no real theology or purpose in them whatsoever. But those, com posed by born-again Christians, may sometimes take poetic license. We do not need to be hypocritical in sing ing as unto the Lord in the Spirit. Let’s make sure that our own hearts are right before the Lord. A false hood is meant to deceive and this could hardly apply to poetic terms, even though exaggerated. Q. Eugene, Ore. — “Medical science has been able to transplant human hearts. In the case of a Christian, would this affect his or her relation ship to the Lord?" A. When the Word of God refers to the heart, it includes not just the physical blood-pumping station, but actually includes one’s whole person ality. It has a vital spiritual conno tation, and represents emotions, in tellect and will. The medical trans planting of a physical human heart has nothing whatever to do with the individual’s personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. Q, Bakersfield, Calif. — “Would you please explain Matthew 28:20 which says, 'Teaching them to observe all 12
things whatsoever I have commanded you.’? The disciples baptized in Je sus’ name. I understand the Godhead, but why doesn’t everybody baptize in Jesus’ name as the disciples did?” A. Our Lord Jesus told His disciples to teach and evangelize. Once an in dividual had accepted Christ, he was to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Notice the three names of the Trinity but one deity, or Godhead. Once a person is saved, he must be taught the things of the Christian walk so that he will mature in the faith. These commands to which Christ referred are found in the Gospel. The most essential is to love God with all the heart, mind, and soul, and then to love each other. This is what Paul meant when in Acts 20:27, “For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God.” The disciples did baptize in Jesus’ name. Matthew 28:19 gives the for mula for baptism. The book of Acts gives generally an account of believ ers living in the law age who were passing through the Church or grace age. The difference was caused by the life, ministry, death, burial, res urrection and ascension of our bless ed Lord. The name of Jesus was used for these Jewish believers to testify that they believed that Christ was truly the Messiah of Israel. There was no question about God the Father, or of the Holy Spirit. The point at issue, was whether Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of David, the Redeemer. After His ascension, the necessity for identifying Him was past. Q. San Diego, Calif. — “I am a public school teacher who, married a sub mariner. We both love the Lord very much. However, I have been told that God respects only those who give themselves full time as missionaries, ministers, or as ministers’ wives. I don’t feel that all of us were created
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