Biola Broadcaster - 1969-07

paradoxical. Sometimes it’s for our own good. James says that we should know that the trying of our faith works pa­ tience. We need patience, because this is what makes us more mature in our spiritual growth. It’s never pleasant to be hurt, but we can thank God for physical pain. The spiritual trials and testings which come can be used to draw us closer to Him. Scripture says, “Count it all joy when you fall into all kinds of tribulations. I f you lack wis­ dom about why trials come, ask God about it. He gives to all men liberally, without scolding, and it shall be given him.” GOD’S PURPOSE On the far reef the breakers Recoil in shattered foam, Yet still the sea behind them Urges its forces home; Its chant of triumph searches Through all the thunderous din . . . The waves may break in failure, But the tide is sure to win. Oh mighty sea, thy message In changing spray is cast; Within God’s plans of progress It matters not at last How wide the shores of evil, How strong the reefs of sin . . . Most people commit the same mis­ take with God that they do with their friends, in that they do all of the talking. When you carry your cares and anxie­ ties to bed, then you’re sleeping with an unnecessary pack on your back. The same God who emptied the tomb can deliver your soul from its depression and dungeon of fears. Every time you turn green with envy, you’re ripe for trouble. Our temper often gets us into trouble and usually our pride keeps us there. Children are the best possible aid to adult education. The wave may be defeated. But the tide is sure to win.


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