Biola Broadcaster - 1969-07

the certain judgment of God, and condemnation to eternal death. How interesting that the immortal soul of saint and savage alike has voiced the hope in life beyond the grave. Egypt, the classroom of the early world’s arts and sciences, had a strong belief in the certainty of im­ mortality. I’ve witnessed that first­ hand. Their view was erroneous, but it was there nonetheless. Very often the coffin was referred to as “the chest of the living.’’ You see, God intuitively places in every human breast a belief in immortality. Athe­ ism has to be taught to a man. It isn’t natural for him to believe it. Death does not interrupt life at all, not even for one moment. Only the place of living and the form of life are changed. Through thousands of years of human history man has looked upon immortality as a reality. To be sure, he may not have had the right idea, but it has been there nonetheless. Without question it is now apparent that belief in the future state was derived from a revelation made to our first parents Adam and Eve by their Creator. It doubtless travelled from tribe to tribe and from people to people down through the ages. It was planted within man by God who has no beginning and no end.

The tree of liberty won’t stand any grafting. Children may tear up a house, but they'll never break up a home.

YOUR FATHER KNOWETH Precious thought, my Father knoweth, In His love I rest; For whate’er my Father doeth, Must be always best, Well I know the heart that planneth Nought but good for me; Joy and sorrow interwoven . . . Love in all I see. Precious thought, my Father knoweth, Careth for His child; Bids me nestle closer to Him, When the storm beats wild. Though my earthly hopes are shattered And the teardrops fall. Yet He is Himself my solace, Yea, my “all in all!” Sweet to tell Him, all He knoweth, Roll on Him the care, Cast upon Himself the burden That I cannot bear; Then, without a care oppressing. Simply to lie still. Giving thanks to Him for all things, Since it is His will. Oh, to trust Him, then, more fully! Just to simply move In the conscious, calm enjoyment Of the Father's love; Knowing that life’s checkered path­ way Leadeth to His rest; Satisfied the way He taketh, Must be always best. One becomes a Christian not by trying but simply by trusting. No man ever got lost on the straight and narrow road.

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Hooker have been associated with Biola for more than UO years. They attended the farewell re­ ception held recently in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Al Sanders, at which time this photo was taken.


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