Q. San Diego, Calif. — “I came across an expression I had never noticed before. I t is found in Ezekiel 38:16, where the Lord said He would be sanctified by Gog before the heathen. How would you explain this?" A. Keep in mind that God is magni fied, no matter what circumstances occur on earth. He says, "My glory will I not give to another” (Isa. 42: 8). This shows that Gog (the na tion), though it is rebellious against God, is nevertheless going to be an object lesson for all the world of our Lord’s zeal for His holiness. While He is certainly sanctified in holiness and in the display of grace, some times, sadly enough, for it is heart breaking to God, by the outpouring of His judgment on a wicked nation or nations, He is also glorified. “Even the wrath of men shall praise Him.” Q. Bakersfield, Calif. — “I would like to know i f you have any material on the National Council of Churches. I f you do, would you send it to me? Also, I would like to know if you are a member, or give any money to them in any way.” A. First of all, we are not members, nor do we give any money to the National Council of Churches. We do not support this group, or their programs and policies in any way, shape or form. There have been a number of editorials w r itte n in Biola’s KING’S BUSINESS Maga zine concerning our stand on this subject. We will continue to publish facts and warnings. For more help
in printed form, we would refer you to The Church League of America, Wheaton, 111., and to Dr. Carl Mc Intyre, Collingswood, New Jersey. Q. Torrance, Calif. — “I received a let ter from a relative living in Minne sota who was upset by some infor mation she had received. She asked me if I could check it out for her. She had been sent a letter from an ultra^conservative who predicted the fall of our nation later this year. The only ones to be saved would be the loyal patriots of the G.O.P. who would flee to the sanctuary in South west Colorado. Have you heard of this?" A. Not specifically; however, such human prophecies are not new. They crop up from time to time. That's why we need to stay close to our Bibles. Don’t be tossed to and fro by these recurring rumors and pro nouncements. The best antidote for this is to read the prophetic portions of the Word of God. There are many tragically ensnared in error today because they first listened to a wrong reckoning concerning the return of the Lord. Q. Sherwood, Ore. — “I f for reasons of disagreement, and not because of sin, is it right for a Christian to break off fellowship with another Christian, especially a minister with one of his flock?” A. Without knowing more of the background, it is very diflicult to give 9
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