Out and about
Above: A hopping good time was had by everyone at Easter in the Park.
Above: Residents Yvonne and Ann share ideas for the refreshed green space at David Street.
Every-bunny was egg-cited to celebrate Easter at a range of family friendly events in Ulverstone, Shorewell Park and East Devonport. Easter in the Park was a great opportunity to join the East Devonport Neighbourhood House and partner organisations who all contributed awesome games, craft and food activities!
David Street, East Devonport residents recently caught up over morning tea to discuss plans for refreshed green spaces thanks to a grant from ANZ Community Foundation.
Burnie residents marked Harmony Week with a community barbeque on Tuesday 21 March. There was something for everyone, with activities from Mission Australia, Pataway Collective, Vinnies Tasmania and the Burnie Library.
Below: Residents Shane and Bruce discuss their plans at David Street.
Above: Coordinator Tenant Support James and Danieka from Mission Australia fire up the barbeque at our Harmony Week event.
Join us on Facebook for up-to-date community event information at www.facebook.com/HChoicesTAS. Or, you can get in touch with our Community Development Team on 1300 312 447 or communitydevelopmenttas@hcau.org.au for more details.
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Birthday Club We have drawn our recent birthday club winners, who have each received a $20 voucher. If you would like to join our Birthday Club, please contact Community Development Officer Hannah on 0455 077 759.
Did you know Housing Choices is active on Facebook? Join us for up-to-date information,
resident stories, tips and local events. www.facebook.com/HChoicesTAS/
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