
Above: Josh inspects his tools, which will allow him to complete an automotive course at college.

Above: One of the tools provided as part of Josh‘s Next Steps Incentive assistance.

classmates Hyundai, but he’ll have the chance to take in his project, a 1990 AF Falcon, soon. Housing Choices has supported Josh to take part in the course through the Next Steps Incentive by supplying essential tools. The positive effects go beyond the practical skills learnt.

they can get this support too”, he continued. The Next Steps Incentive is available to Housing Choices residents aged between 15 and 25 years, and assists with out-of-pocket training and education expenses like uniforms, equipment, textbooks, tutoring or extra learning activities. The assistance of up to $1,000 aims to assist young residents in taking the next step in their lives. This could be academic or building job skills to enter the work force. If you’re not sure how to go about applying, help is at hand! All residents are encouraged to receive guidance with their application by working with our Community Development Team.

For more information, or to start your application, please contact Community Development Officer Ellen on 0455 068 197 .

“Joshua’s health and wellbeing is at its best

when he has structure and is kept busy and engaged. The college provides smaller classes, with one- on-one support. To enjoy his time as a student this is really important… It will keep him engaged in learning” said Josh’s dad, Julian. “I hope other families know about this program, so that

Above: Josh with cat Charlie.


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