reservations, due to their small size and fractionated ownership, make it difficult to manage these properties on a landscape basis in the best interest of all the resources. Many tribes are attempting to consolidate allotments by acquiring interest so that these parcels can be managed on a watershed or larger landscape basis (see Allotment section in report and in the appendix). Stumpage Values The revenues tribes receive from the harvest of timber are affected by different factors. Many tribal communities do not have sufficient sawmill capacity to support a viable wood products economy and in many areas, tribes do not have any outlets for forest products. IFMAT IV as well as earlier IFMATs found that very few tribes had more than one year of commercial volume available for sale and had little to no shelf ready sales to take advantage of fluctuating market conditions. The inability to take advantage of high markets because of the lack of timber sales on the shelf has contributed to losses in revenues for tribes. Poor forest road access and condition, low harvesting capacity due to limited harvesting contractors, harvesting costs, and the continuing loss of milling infrastructure have contributed to low stumpage values for many of the reservations across the nation. Previous IFMAT recommendations supported an independent audit process to evaluate fair market value for forest products in each region to assist the tribes in identifying fair market values.

Table D.1. 2020 Average Stumpage Values by Region provides a comparison of tribal stumpage with values received by other operations in each region. Region Ave $/MBF Northeast Region Maine $137.00 Minnesota $126.00 Lake States $340.00 Average Tribal Stumpage Value $103.41 Northwest Region Washington Westside $378.00 Oregon Westside $394.00 Average Tribal Stumpage Value $457.00*

Inland West Region Eastern Washington

$271.00 $230.00 $150.00 $157.07



Average Tribal Stumpage Value

SW Region Arizona New Mexico


Average Tribal Stumpage Value


West Region California

$429.00 $319.70

Average Tribal Stumpage Value

Southeast Region North Carolina

$180.00 $196.00


Average Tribal Stumpage Value $171.00 * Higher tribal stumpage values reflect access to the export market available to this region. Sources: Annual Report to Congress National Totals 1994-2021, Stumpage Values by Region, Bureau of Indian Affairs. 2020 Stumpage Prices by Maine County/Unit, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Maine Forest Service, Forest policy and Management Division, Augusta Maine, https:// 2020 Minnesota Public Agencies Stumpage Price review and Price Indices, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Michigan State University Extension, Michigan Forests Forever Teachers Guide. Stumpage Value Determination Tables, State of Washington, Department of Revenue, Forest Tax Program, tables. State of California, California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, Harvest Values Schedule, January 1, 2020 -December 31, 2020. htm. State of Idaho, Department of Lands, Stumpage Prices. endowment-forestry/. Stumpage Price Report, summer 2020, New York State Timber Harvest Statistics, Department of Environmental Conservation, Stumpage Price Reports/Agency of Natural Resources/Department of Forests, https://fpr. Historic North Carolina Timber Stumpage Prices, 1976-2020, NC State Extension publications,

Task Findings and Recommendations 111

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