Findings and Recommendations Task J Findings and Recommendations

J10 Finding

Recommendation Encourage tribal values to be considered equally as benefits to forest restoration. ■ Cultural values such as increased food sovereignty, increased availability and access for cultural resources is just as important as values identified by partners. Promote cross-cultural dialogue and encourage partners to participate in training so they better understand tribal history, values, culture, and tradition. ■ Justice40 related initiatives may improve tribal benefits from federal programs. Co-management activities should incorporate traditional ecological knowledge and practices such as active management to achieve desired outcomes and restoring fire to the forest landscape.

Mismatch of goals, objectives and landscape priorities for treatments often hampers progress on cross-boundary projects. ■ Often tribes cite different benefits from forest restoration than their partners. For instance, states often need to maximize the value from timber resources whereas tribes may be more interested in topics such as providing hunting and gathering opportunities. ■ Other examples include tribes wanting to simply provide tribal members with job opportunities for forestry technician and training positions with goals of supporting the local tribal community and economy while also accomplishing forest health related goals. ■ Additionally, IFMAT found in some cases that the tribes wanted to treat forest health related issues more aggressively than their partners. This mismatch can create barriers to project implementation as well as challenges with drafting grants and contracts.

Cedar bark peel on the Quinault Indian Reservation in Washington. This tree species provides numerous benefits to the tribal membership and the bark is often used as including traditional basketry materials. PHOTO CREDIT: SERRA HOAGLAND

198 Assessment of Indian Forests and Forest Management in the United States

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