nAppendix vn IFMAT I-III Crosswalk Table of Recommendations

The following table reviews the recommendations of the previous three IFMATs as to whether they have been implemented or not. Two facts are apparent immediately on reading the table. First, some important recommendations have been implemented although often well after their publication (for example, ITARA). Second, an alarming number of important recommendations have not been implemented (for example, funding and personnel). It is over 30 years since IFMAT I began. It is IFMAT’s fervent hope that the recommendations in this IFMAT IV report will receive the full and effective attention of Congress and the Administration so that Indian forests and forestry can reach their full potential as an important component and model for all American forests. TASK A: An in-depth analysis of management practices on, and the level of funding for, specific Indian forest land compared with similar Federal and private forest lands.

IFMAT I – 1993 II – 2003 III - 2013

Recommendation Implementation Status

Recommendations in Response to Task A Findings

Funding Increases

Total Forest Management funding (Forestry and Fire programs combined) has increased in real dollars from $152.7 million in 1991 to $199.5 million in 2019 (dollars adjusted to 2019). However, the forest management-only funding has shown a decrease of 38% in real dollars between 1991 and 2019.

Bring per acre investment in Indian forestry to levels comparable to that available for similar federal, state, and private forests over a ten- year period. (IFMAT II – Primary Recommendation (1), page 15) To meet tribal visions for Indian forests, increase per-acre funding to what the National Forests incur for coordinated management an increase of over $120 million per year. (Recommendation A1, page V-11) Also, make major investments in remedial road work and the activities needed to reduce the forest development backlog. (Recommendation A2, page V-11) Invest in tribal forestry through the federal appropriations process and insure and coordinate existing funding to bring per acre investment to the current level of investment in similar federal, state, and private forests. (Recommendation A (1), page 51) Revise the federal funding model to provide for basic land stewardship costs including wildfire management, plus additional support for active timber management, consistent with tribal goals. (Recommendation A1, page 97) Increase base level funding by $100 million to support forest stewardship for Indian forests to reach parity with National Forest and BLM funding on their respective land classifications. (Recommendation A2, page 97) Provide adequate additional funding for law enforcement (trespass) on Indian forest lands ($2-3 million per year). (Recommendation A3, page 97)







Is still inadequate.


A-34 Assessment of Indian Forests and Forest Management in the United States

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