TASK D (continued)

IFMAT I – 1993 II – 2003 III - 2013

Recommendation Implementation Status

Recommendations in Response to Task D Findings

Timber Sale Policy (continued)

Forest management plans include AAC but with little connection to marketing of forest products.

Forest Management Plans and Integrated Resource Management Plans should include strategies for long-term harvest planning and marketing of tribal forest products. (Recommendation D1, page 154) Develop a timber market reporting system that monitors and periodically publishes log and stumpage price values to compare domestic and international sale values. (Recommendation D4, page 154)


This has not been implemented.


Tribal Enterprises

Transfer logs to forest-products enterprises at market value. (Recommendation D6, page V-35)

Remains dependent on tribal policy and BIA approval of tribal enterprise agreements. These issues are being addressed to some extent in more recent enterprise agreements. Improvement continues to be needed. Recurring TPA funding has declined while requirements of unfunded mandates have increased. ITARA provides opportunities to streamline processes under tribal authority and address unfunded mandates in a less costly manner. Partially accomplished under Cobell settlement which provided funds for tribes to acquire ownership of allotments or majority of ownership interests.


Improve coordination among Tribal Councils, Enterprise Boards of Directors, and Natural Resource Programs. (Recommendation D3, page 154) Funding Provide consistent programmatic funding to adequately address unfunded mandates and improve timber sale preparation timelines. (Recommendation D6, page 154)



Allotments Create a system of matching funds to underwrite land (allotments) reacquisition costs for tribes that choose to provide a percentage of the purchase costs. (Recommendation D5, page 154).


Appendix v – IFMAT I-III Crosswalk Table of Recommendations A-43

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