TASK E (continued)
IFMAT I – 1993 II – 2003 III - 2013
Recommendation Implementation Status
Recommendations in Response to Task E Findings
Unfunded Mandates
Federal regulations should be revised to eliminate unfunded mandates if methods of compensating tribes and allottees for them are not developed. (Recommendation E3, page 74, IFMAT II Additional - (K), page 22) Remove costly unfunded mandates of implementing federal laws and processes, including consultation under ESA, or provide full federal funding for carrying out those laws and processes. (Recommendation E4, page 161) Enable the use of Categorical Exclusions (CEs) and Environmental Assessments (EAs). For tribes that have well-integrated natural resource plans and strong council and tribal public support for those plans, enable CEs for integrated projects or streamline NEPA to facilitate the development of less costly single-alternative EAs. Self-governance tribes should be able to develop tribal NEPA procedures and associated code to replace BIA NEPA manuals and handbooks. This approach furthers self-determination and self-governance and would reward tribes for progress in integrated planning. (Recommendation E3, page 160)
ITARA authorizes tribes to replace federal regulations with tribal law and regulations which allows less costly processes for NEPA, ESA, and NHPA compliance.
ITARA authorizes tribes to develop tribal law and regulations to implement tribally developed categorical exclusions and streamlined, cost effective processes for environmental, ESA and NHPA compliance.
Coordinated Resource Management Planning and IRMPs
Each tribal government should be the principal agent responsible for crafting, implementing, and monitoring a coordinated resources management plan congruent with its vision for forests and forest management. (Recommendation E1(a), page V-37) The BIA should provide full support, including the appropriate range of natural-resource expertise for coordinated resources planning and management and also provide research access. (Recommendation E1 (d), page V-37) A single manager should be responsible for delivering the entire natural-resource program at the local level. (Recommendation E1(e), page V-37) Encourage interdisciplinary planning. Examine opportunities for improved integration of all forest and rangeland natural resource responsibilities at all BIA administrative levels. Promote the development of IRMPs by the Tribes. (Recommendation E1, page 160)
While emphasis for preparation of IRMPs has diminished and special funding ceased, tribes are taking the lead in developing FMPs which provide for coordinated management of multiple forestland resources. BIA has ceased special funding for IRMPs. BIA’s technical assistance role has changed, and capabilities diminished with the transition to self- governance in carrying out forestry program operations. Many tribal organizations now have a NR manager who oversees all, or most all natural-resource program activities.
See previous comments.
A-46 Assessment of Indian Forests and Forest Management in the United States
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