nAppendix viin Survey/Questionnaire Template
IFMAT IV Workforce Survey
IFMAT IV Workforce Survey
The Indian Forest Management Assessment Team (IFMAT) requests your assistance in gathering important information on the workforce involved with Indian forestry. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey.
Survey Results will be aggregated to ensure that confidentiality of individual survey responses is maintained.
Thank you for your assistance
1. What is your ethnicity?
2. If you are an enrolled member of a Federally recognized tribe, please list tribal affiliation here
3. What is your gender?
Prefer not to answer
4. Who is your employer? Please provide specific Tribe, agency, office and other relevant information
5. If you are a tribal member, where do you work?
Your home reservation
Other reservation
Off reservation
Appendix vii – Survey/Questionnaire Template A-59
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