IFMAT IV Tribal Virtual Meeting Questions

Tribal Forester (TF) Tribal Council (TC) Overview Questions to be presented by the Managers or a PowerPoint Presentation Recommendation is to fill out responses directly on this form Staff (S) - other natural resource staff, heritage, cultural resources, etc.

3. Do you view the FMP as a contract or as guidance? Does the plan help you manage more effectively or efficiently? 4. Are the IRMP goals being met and are they represented in the FMP and harvest schedule? 5. How is sustainability being measured in the forest plan? Is non declining even flow harvest schedule (NDEF) a useful measure for you? Stand based inventory vs CFI. Has the CFI been useful for harvest scheduling? Does the FMP provide sufficient planning outputs for enterprise strategic planning? 6. Is the FMP consistent with the IRMP? Are the desired rotation ages reasonable in the forest plan? 7. Is climate change mitigation represented in the forest plan/IRMP. How are the carbon projects represented? Will they affect outputs or forest health? 8. What is the status of forest inventory for your tribe? Does the RO provide inventory expertise to your tribe? What kind and how much (stand based versus CFI)? (TF) 9. Do you have enough GIS and/or remote sensing capacity in your office? (TF) 10. What is the status of your wildfire plan, forest management plan and/or IRMP? (all) 11. Are you receiving the level of assistance you need from BoFRP? If you need more, what are your specific needs? (TF) 12. What is your office doing to support climate change adaptation planning? How severe will the impacts be to your tribe? Are regeneration plans coordinated with climate adaptation plans at the tribal and regional levels? (all) 13. Are you familiar with the Forest Service Watershed Framework for evaluating watershed treatment priorities? Would your tribe like to participate in some training on these tools? (S, TF) 14. How is the AAC being defined for your tribe?

1. What are the most pressing forestry related issues for your tribe and in your region? (all) 2. How well are you supported by the BIA? (all) Self-governance 1. What opportunities and challenges do see for your tribe regarding ITARA? (TC, TF) 2. What is working and what is not working regarding the trust responsibility? What other reforms would make your life easier? (all) 3. Do you think ITARA will affect your forest management? (TF, TC) 4. What comments do you have about 638 contracting or compacting services? Landscape Management 1. Do you believe there are the opportunities for your tribe to promote shared stewardship and landscape management? (all) *add this to tribal member satisfaction survey? 2. What would your tribe need (capacity, tools, etc.) to play a large leadership role in promoting shared stewardship? (all) 3. What are the leading forest health issues on your forest and adjacent forests? Are you satisfied with how forest health funds are distributed to your tribe? (TF) 4. Do you have sufficient access to research publications and are they relevant to your issues? (TF, S) Forest planning 1. Does forestry have sufficient depth in planning, forest inventory, and GIS (2019 F&PA additional needs)? 2. Does the FMP guide everyday management? Is it a “living document” – is it regularly updated as new data or new ideas come along? Does it help solve new problems? Is it useful for transferring knowledge, objectives, and insights from one cohort of forest managers to the next? Can you think of anything that the next plan should address that the current plan does not?

Are there changes that would increase its usefulness? Do you regard non-declining

A-80 Assessment of Indian Forests and Forest Management in the United States

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