TASK E- Reduction in BIA Rules-Forest Manager, natural resource manager(s), planning forester (at minimum) 1. What BIA rules and regulations urgently need to be changed to make your management more effective? 2. How do “unfunded mandates affect your management activities? 3. How many projects do you have (if any) that are shelf ready? Can you be nimble/flexible to adapt to changes in the markets? (See D) Role of handbooks- and delays getting sales approved in real time. TASK F – Adequacy of Forest Plans-Forest Manager, planning forester 1. Does forestry have sufficient depth in planning, forest inventory, and GIS (2019 F&PA additional needs)? 2. Do you feel you have adequate access to software for spatial harvest scheduling? 3. NIFRMA requires discussion of funding and staffing needs to carry out FMP. Can you discuss how this is presented in the Forest Plan? Are forest development funds adequate? If not, how is this reflected in the forest plan? TASK G-Minimum Standards-Forest Manager 1. How would you design a report card for the BIA forestry programs? 2. What other standards beyond FMP, CFR25, NIFRMA, NEPA/ESA from project level work, etc. would you like to see? What changes would you like to see in NEPA, ESA and archeological reviews. 3. Are there standards to track whether tribal vision for forests is achieved? 4. Access to state-of-the-art methods (see F) TASK H-Reforms and Increased Funding-Forest Manager 1. How would you define “state of the art” management? Are you doing it? If not, what are the constraints? 2. How would you describe your current management in terms of self-governance? Are you direct service, contract, compact, ITAMP or a combination? 3. What new legislation and rulemaking would benefit your tribe? 4. Are you underfunded and/or understaffed? What specific actions are needed if so?

on the reservation (density, age, climate)? Are hazardous fuel reduction treatments being carried out simultaneously with timber sales and forest development projects? How are forest health projects being represented in the FMP? 3. Do you have guidelines for setting watershed treatment priorities? Are you familiar with the Forest Service Watershed Framework for evaluating watershed treatment priorities? Would your tribe like to participate in some training on these tools? (S, TF) 4. How is sustainability identified and what does good stewardship look like? 5. Does harvesting activities address timely salvage post wildfire. Does the BIA provide adequate technical and operational support to identify early mortality? 6. Does the IRMP and forest plan contain goals for watershed condition. Does the BIA provide criteria and indicators of watershed health and carrying capacity (roads, wild horses, grazing)? 7. Is there a permit system for NTFP? What information is available from natural resources departments? TASK C- Staffing-Forest Manager 1. Clarify FPA- current and identified needs. Review the organizational chart 2. Issues in hiring, recruitment, and retention 3. Comparable pay- tribe to BIA and BIA to other fed agencies 4. Training needs 5. COVID, employment and access to fed programs such as PPP TASK D-Timber Sales Procedures-Forest Manager, Forest Development Forester, Timber Sale Forester 1. How many projects do you have (if any) that are shelf ready? Can you be nimble/flexible to adapt to changes in the markets? 2. What are the major factors affecting your stumpage values? 3. What are your costs for reforestation, pile burning, prescribe burning and pre-commercial thinning? What are your challenges to getting this work accomplished? 4. How is the TAAMS program used for the tribe’s needs.

A-82 Assessment of Indian Forests and Forest Management in the United States

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