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Dedicateci to the spiritual development of the Christian home T h e K i n g © B c i e i n e ö ö A PUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGS. INC. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor » S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman A r t i c l e s WHEN JESUS LOST HIS CROWD — Vance Havner .......................... 8 ARE MISSIONARIES SLOBS? — Don W . Hillis ................................... 11 HELPING OUR CHILDREN TO V ICTORY — Gordon Chilvers ...... 13 ARE YOU CONFUSED? — Lewis C. Hohenstein ................................. 16 ENJOY YOUR BIBLE — Richard Woike ............................................... 18 TH E PEOPLE'S FORUM — Harlin J. Roper ........................................ 20 TH E ECUMENICAL DREAM: ONE BIG CHURCH — Bruce W . Dunn .......................................................................... 21 SAVED FROM CHRISTIAN SCIENCE — Stanley D. Myers 37 IS SATAN DEAD? — Fred D. Acord .................................................... 42 MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 4 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ....................................................... 26 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot ....................... 28 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................ 29 TALK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................................... 30 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ....................................................................— 32 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ........................................ 34 CHRISTIAN WORKERS' CLINIC — C. Chester Larson .................. 38 C o l u m n s PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ............................................................................... 6 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ..................................................................... 25 READER REACTION ...................................................................................... 31 C o v e r Haviland Lake, just off the "Million Dollar Highway" between Silver- ton and Ouray, Colorado. Photo by Darwin Van Campen. Vol. 57, No. 10 • OCTOBER, in the year of our Lord 1967 • Established 1910
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THE EMPTINESS OF RELIGION | n t h e J uly 28, 1967 issue of Life magazine an article appeared, entitled, "Spry Downgrader o f Divinity.” The piece, in large measure, consisted o f an interview with one Dr. Greeley, Presi dent o f the Unitarian Association. Unitarianism is one o f the oldest religions in the United States. At the present time, it has only 275,000 adherents, in cluding 20,000 Universalists, who merged with the Unitarians in 1961. In the strictest sense o f the word, Unitarianism is an atheistic religion in that its followers do not believe in a personal God. "When I say God,” Dr. Greeley declares, " I mean a power that is within the whole life process, within all o f us. . . The power that I mean by God is behind the whole evaluation o f the galaxies as well as in all o f us.” In spite o f the fact that he repu diates the concept o f a personal God, who is the Creator and Preserver o f the universe, this theologian still holds that in his words, "The universe is purposeful rather than accidental. It is moral rather than neutral and has values that either are inherent in it or evolved within it and that are a part o f my life.” Unitarianism and Christianity are at opposite ends o f the pole on practically every facet o f theological thought. This is not to be wondered at in view o f the Unitarian extremely light opinion o f the Word o f God. Dr. Greeley flatly states: "W e are not bound by an adherence to a particular book— the Bible — or to a particular person— even Jesus— or a particular city, as a place o f our birth and authority, neither Rome nor Mecca nor Boston.” Plain statements in the Word o f God are brushed aside flippantly if they do not happen to be in accord with their particular fancies. For instance, this eminent Unitarian makes this incredible statement: "Jesus never thought o f founding a church.” How a person claiming to be educated or to know any thing o f the Bible or theology could say this is beyond one’s com prehension. Certainly Christ never spoke more emphatically than in His words recorded in Matthew 16:18: " . . . Upon this rock
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[the deity o f Christ which Peter had confessed] I will build my church, and the gates o f hell shall not prevail against it.” Dr. Greeley’s blatant and cynical denial o f such an outstanding dec laration from the lips o f our Lord raises grave doubts in the minds o f right-thinking individuals as to the validity o f any o f this Unitarian’s statements. The ultimate barrenness o f the Unitarians’ theological posi tion is found in their complete disbelief in any life hereafter. Dr. Greeley states categorically: "From the Unitarian point o f view, there is no Heaven and no Hell. Theologically, such an idea is repulsive and unacceptable in the light o f the moral affirma tions o f man. Scientifically or geographically, it is inconceiv able.” The entire article in Life points up a most distressing situation indeed. Although this theologian uses terms and words quite familiar to any true Christian, his interpretation is com pletely different from their historic meaning. As an example, his conception o f the word God is totally at variance with the Bibli cal sense o f that word. While he speaks o f Jesus as “ the greatest prophet in western history,” at the same time he insults our Saviour by denying that Jesus is God or the infinite Son o f God. He denies the existence o f sin in the human heart, declaring: "The difference between the Unitarians and the Universalists is that the Universalists thought that God was too good to damn man and the Unitarians thought that man was too good to be damned. That epitomizes the theological origins o f both groups.” Strange as it may seem, however, there is one point on which we quite agree with Dr. Greeley. It is when he states: "Millions o f people are Unitarians without knowing it.” While the figure may be open to question, the fact is self-evident. An alarming number o f men today occupy pulpits in various denominations who are preaching much the same kind o f theology which Dr. Greeley and his church believe. This is the heart-breaking trag edy o f present-day Protestantism. At least this Unitarian is honest about his convictions and forthright in expressing them. He does not hide behind a cloak o f a denomination committed to the truth. He does not profess one thing while proclaiming another. Unfortunately, altogether too many ordained ministers who took their vows to declare the eternal truths o f the Word are now preaching Unitarianism to a greater or lesser degree. These are the men who in the preceding generation were called modernists and now named liberals. Alas, this trend too is being followed by the neo-orthodox theologians. For once the authority o f the Word o f God is tampered with; once questions are raised con cerning the person and work o f the Lord Jesus Christ; once the moral and spiritual standards found in the Bible are substituted, to any degree whatever, by the sub-standards o f present-day un regenerated society— right at that point, the seeds o f Unitarian ism are sown. Regardless o f the high pronouncements o f a minis ter on other matters, once he starts on the downward trail away from the lofty view o f the Word o f God and the Lord Jesus (Continued, on page 42 )
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Pêop/e in the A fm t
June 23, pilot John Harverson reported difficult weather conditions in the area of his intended landing at 01- sovip. Both Department of Civil Aviation and Australian M.A.F. offi cials concluded that Harverson and his passengers lost their lives in a weather accident. John Harverson, a second genera tion missionary, is survived by his wife Joan and two children, Ruth, 3; and Peter, 2. The family went to New Guinea in June 1966. This fatal accident is the third in the 22nd year, 30-millionth mile his tory of specialist-operated “ bush” lifelines for missionaries, and is the first involving a passenger fatality. Both of the others occurred within a 250 mile radius of the present inci dent. Weather was also presumed to be a major factor in the earlier 1951 and 1955 accidents. Rev. Lawrence E. Pearson, of Oak Park, Illinois, has been named director of the extension and church relations department of Moody Bible Institute. He succeeds the Rev. C. B. Nordland who is retiring this September. Mr. Pearson has been pastor of Judson Baptist Church o f Oak Park since 1962. Other pastorates include the Norwood Park Baptist Church, assis tant pastor of Lorimer Memorial Baptist Church, Chicago, and student pastor of Lombard Bible Church, Lombard, Illinois. A graduate of Moody Bible Insti tute, Mr. Pearson is a former facul ty member. He taught Bible and theology at the school for seven years. He has also served as presi dent and executive secretary of the school’s alumni association. Family Films of Hollywood, Califor nia has released an unusual comedy church film entitled, “Charlie Church man and the Teenage Masquerade.” The 20-minute black and white sound motion picture seeks to “ take off the ‘masks’ of formalism and stuffiness that often hamper effectiveness in church programs.” Mr. Mel White, the film’s author-director, states the pur pose of the film is to furnish a re minder of the hypocrisy which one can knowingly or unknowingly wear in the normal routine of life. He de clares, “ Being honest with each other and with God is only a beginning, but it is a beginning.”
Rev. Einar Ander- *on, author of the book I Was A Mor mon, has completed a two-and-one-half m onth ’ s ministry in Europe. He is affiliated with Dr. Jack MacArthur of the “Voice of Calvary”
CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship CAMPS for young Nationals. COUNSELING University Students. CORRESPONDENCE BIBLE SCHOOLS in the vernacular.
Rev. Anderson radio-TV ministiy. His trip overseas was sponsored by the Scottish Reformation Society of Edinburgh. Dr. Eugene R. Bertermann, president of the National Religious Broadcast ers, announced an organizational con vention, October 16 and 17 at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, to create a new Midwest Chapter. Dr. Malcolm Cronk will be featured speaker. NRB, an organization composed of ap proximately 200 Gospel broadcasters, will celebrate its 25th Anniversary, January 22-25 in Washington, D.C. As a part of its Quarter Century Crusade, the new NRB division will be formed, consisting of midwest area Christian radio stations and program producers. The Western Chapter of NRB was formed several years ago with Dr. William Robert* of FEBC as current president. The Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society recently named Dr. Herbert S. Anderson, of Portland, Ore gon, as General Director. Dr. Ander son was elected to this position at the 24th annual Conservative Bap tist Fellowship in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Anderson will leave the pas torate of Hinson Memorial Baptist Church this fall to join the CBFMS staff in Wheaton, Illinois. The CBF MS general director carries admin istrative re sp o n s ib ilitie s of the Wheaton office staff and frequently presents the work of the mission society to interested churches and groups. The CBFMS supports over 460 missionaries in 18 countries of Eu rope, Asia, South America, and Afri ca. As part of his job, Dr. Anderson will occasionally visit the mission aries and counsel with them regard ing their work. Missionary Aviation Fellowship reports that search has been discontinued for an Australian MAF airplane with two native Bible school passengers aboard. In his final radio message on
Member I.F.M.A. Write for Free Literature 107-K North Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187
MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. Dr. John T. Dale, Director Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work ing in six tribes.' Needed — more mission aries; prayer partners to form prayer bands. Write for information and magazine 6018 Drexel Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131 ^ RUSHING TO RUSSIANS j g and others with the Gospel. Your prayers and help needed to support Russian and other Missionaries in Europe, Alaska, and the Americas, sendingGospel literature, and broadcasting the Gospel to Russians. Write For Free Slavic Gospel News | SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSO CIATIO N Peter Deyneka. General Director. | Dept. K 2434 N. Kedtie Blvd., Chicago, II. 60647 1 FREE GOSPEL TRACTS The Gospel to every creature. Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters. Help us reach every creature with the Gospel of Christ. For free Gospel tracts, please write: CHRISTIAN TRACT SOCIETY Post Office Box 188 Hemet, California 92343 Widely acclaimed by scholars. Meanings ob scured for centuries are made clear in the exposition of this monumental chapter. 50 cents per copy; three for $1.00. Rev. Dr. Frederick A. Aston 73 Hampton Road Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 A MAGAZINE YOU'LL READ! Vibrant 64 page pocket size monthly edited by Fred J. Meldau. Deeply devotional. Bible- based interpretation of world events. Digest of the best in current Christian thought. Evangelistic - Missionary - Pre-mi Ilennial. $2.50/year. 15c a copy. CHRISTIAN VICTORY MAGAZINE 2903 Umatilla St., Danver, Colorado 80211 A TT E N T IO N : CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ALL ORGAN IZATIONS • Excellent Profits • Little Effort • Effective Results NEW LIGH T ON ISAIAH 53 18th Revised Edition
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60 years without loss to an annuitant!
Mr. Glen W . Tuttle, former medical missioary in the Congo, has joined the staff of the American Leprosy Mission, Inc. His new position is ad ministrative vice president. He will work with the organization’s presi dent, Dr. O. W . Hasselblad, in the super vision of the overseas work, Dr. Tut tle received his M.D. from the Uni versity of Minnesota, and also stu died at Northwestern Bible College. He holds a D.T.M. from the Brussels School of Tropical Medicine, and first began his work in the Congo in 1928. World Vision International has shipped another 75,000 pounds of relief goods to South Vietnam aboard the SS President Van Burén. The vessel sailed from Long Beach, carrying $180,000 of equipment and supplies, according to Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision. Such things as a complete blood bank, a kidney pump, clothing, su rg ica l supplies, 4,680 cases of beef and turkey, and 13,500 Viet Kits, containing hygiene equip ment, were included in the supplies. Wydiffe Bible Translators report that their work is being continued in tur bulent Nigeria. Tribal teams have been withdrawn from assignments in the Northern region; however, mis sionary activity is moving forward in both halves of the country. Cur rently, special emphasis by the Trans lators is being given to the Hausa language in the city of Lagos, which is the major language of the north. Although a few adjustments of area have been made, very few interrup tions have come into the work of WBT. Wheaton College has announced four conferences to be held during the 1967-68 academic year. The Archae ology conference scheduled for Octo ber 16 will feature Dr. Bastían Van El- THE CHURCH AND THE GREAT TRIBU LATION, by Dr. William R. Newell. Because of the present situation in the Middle-East is important that you keep in formed about the future, according to the Word of God. Such information is given in this book and is handled superbly by Dr. Newell. This would be a most valuable book for one to own — especially now. only .50 WHY I AM OPPOSED TO THE INTER CHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT by Dr. I. M. Haldeman. Be informed about the Ecumenical Movement. Do you know the facts according to the Bible ? Christians need to have the Scrip tural knowledge on this subject. And, for this reason we strongly recommend the read ing of this book. Dont you be misled, only .60 Order both books for $1.00 Prepaid. (Residents Of Canada add 10%) Sorry no C.O.D.'s or Charges. THE UNION BIBLE STUDY ASSOCIATION T ha t’s the record o f Moody Bible Institute’s “ double dividend” an nuity plan. Not once has the Insti P. O. Box 284-K-10 Winter Park, Florida Reach Ch ildren ! 6 pages — 3 colors tute missed a payment or been late with a check—not even during the difficult years of deep depression in the thirties following the big stock market crash. Banks failed, with great losses to depositors, but M oody annuitants received their checks regularly—in full and on time. Moody annuity plan has brought security and peace of mind to thou sands of annuitants through its gen erous, guaranteed lifetime incomes. And today’s rate of return (on new agreements) is the highest ever—up to 9.09%, depending on your age. Moody annuity plan offers that “ extra” dividend Your annuity funds are carefully put to work in Moody’s many min istries, taking the gospel to men everywhere . . . millions of pieces of literature go forth . . . the seed is scattered via the airwaves . . . the message of Moody Institute of Sci ence films enters doors and hearts otherwise shut . . . and former stu dents of the Institute (trained tui tion free) minister in every clime. These are the ministries in which you’ll have a part. 50 for $1.00 100 for $2.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H PRESS Box 551 Glendale, Calif. 91209 FREE Idea Book for Christmas Gifts Many new books, games, activities— perfect for Christmas, perfect for Christian giving any time. Gift ideas for all ages. Ask to see them at your Christian Bookstore or send for your free catalog. Write tor Free Booklet which describes the Moody annuity plan in detail and provides information on important tax benefits. 1 Write: Annuity Department Dept. 10K7 MOODY BIBLE IN S TITU TE 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, III. 60610 Please send me, without obligation: [] Double Dividends, story of M oody Annuity Plan. □ Folder relating to Wills. □ Information on Life Income Agreements. Name. Date of Birth — Address City--------------------------State__________ Zip MAIL COUPON TODAY! s t a n d a r d ( + ] PUBLISHING Cincinnati. O. 45231 Alhambra. Calif. 91801 Please send me your free all new 1967 Christmas catalog. Name__________________________ _______ __ Position in Church__ ________________________ Street---------------------------------------- -------------------- City. .State_______ Zip. OCTOBER, 1967 7 / f l We were told long ago that the time would come when sound doctrine could not be endured. That time has arrived, a day of itching ears in stead of heartburn. Church-members have no ap petite for the Bread of Heaven on Sunday because they have fed on the fleshpots of Egypt all week. Like the Israelites, they prefer garlic to glory and melons to miracles. We cannot gorge ourselves on the garbage of radio and television and magazine filth and sit pop-eyed admiring popular entertain ers who make a joke of marriage to satisfy their lust, and have any taste for the Bread of God. I am not surprised that multitudes do not appreciate q o m e can imagine no greater disaster ^ than to lose their crowd. Many a preacher would suffer a nervous breakdown if his congrega tion dwindled. Yet the Prince o f Preachers, the Son of God, preached His crowd away. Before He began His sermon, they wanted to make Him king; when He finished, He asked His twelve disciples, “Will ye also go away?” The question is asked: Can a man be true to God’s message and hold his crowd today? This I know: my Lord lost the multitude but He never lowered His message. He declared Himself to be the Bread of Life. He said, “ Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you.” That was too much for His listeners. They said, “ This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” Our Lord did not tone down His sermon when they said that. He declared that no man could come unto Him except it were given unto him of the Father. From that time many of His disciples went away and walked no more with Him. They simply could not take that kind of preaching. He turned to His disciples and asked, “Will ye also go away?” Peter answered with that other confession of his, not so well-known, but equally interesting: “ Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we be lieve and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.” The kind of preaching our Lord did in this sixth chapter of John will thin a crowd today. Let any minister tell his Sunday morning congregation that Jesus is not only our Saviour but our Sus tenance, our Bread, Meat and Drink; that the Pass- over lamb was not only slain and its blood applied but that its flesh was eaten; that it is a mockery to sing, “ Break Thou The Bread of Life” or go through the Lord’s Supper with all it implies, while we feed on trash and scarcely open the Word of God; that we must feed on the Living Christ for every need and that if He is not our meat and drink we have no life in us . . . let any minister dwell on that and his listeners will say, “ This is an hard saying . . . I’m going over to the other church and hear Dr. Soundingbrass give book reviews.” m i n i s t e r s Ü¡M$r K m S s M m ..W**«-»i r ^ r * ***'''■', r » * **£$r** * !U ^S B P w l S ^ ^ ç i i "^;WWk:;-■\tf^.jM: ■-•viv ‘:'v-'' '" J ;,p f R ä r ^ P R * *• S » r ¿ ^ Æ Œ iP&a 9 0 % :>:::: m Ë m m m rn Ê Ê 8 ® B p H 3 P i! . « m W^:Ä mm SPM *•*%» * *,1 f* ‘ •*T p > &&*4 ■#i¿fiSw^X *a - t d f t t i< - . ; , ' - * ? * r ; - . ».ad* <"%S äi '^T tjc ^ ~ i * *C ' J ® S ä ST’P»* r w f r *• p,» **» ~ «^jjr «•» * ' â É » ^ . 5ÉWÉ ’Sm&m ïpS^S2|R^.'■ * I S » :~i *5 : g*#* w * i ..¿aP»,., .;# >•"■;)& .:i : . . . r , /.■•.■. •■•.#v ‘¿¿X # '• &&&L •'-■OTfc^Vjrcffi] >■•^¿aC*' '•* #** » l^äPWsp: g f Ä , # g| ^T»pga|• s z ¿ taw i& p S S r * ? £ ^ x ä & W * ■-V^ay^yaâG^ïiâVn|tf ■ * * ", j^ < ç f' W g jffi Ê ^ ■*■■ ' LJ*rw^vm: w*- W■ km mm fM f i f ó * £ j S x ö f :'v‘-v:■.■; iBfe# « P '^ P f Spfejji 4 !?P B 3 ‘ ^ ÿ ' 5' Lr ■X0Æ #%:•. $£ì P .V-jikiitirtä r ^ J > l i p p . p æ * ^ \ ' ' « ^ I ' ■.i' ** ü g l W#$. I , Ä ^ - ^ I "7 ♦ <«#r % '■T' r\* v ^ '^ * ¿ 5 * * * ? f L - • A *p K & & r > %•-■ # S i i ’*■•;ÄÖ3 8 THE KING'S BUSINESS we need not expect the ungodly to come because of any hunger they have for the deeper things of God. God does indeed raise up a Whitfield now and then with a special ministry to the masses and God uses various means to get him a crowd but the type of preaching our Lord did about the Bread of Life does not make headlines. Let us look at this sermon that cost our Lord His crowd. What caused such a desertion, even among His disciples? He had just fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes and the reaction was, “Let’s make Him a king! Anybody who can do that can do anything. He can break the yoke of Roman control and give us our in dependence again. He can lead us into a new prom ised land of peace and prosperity.” But Jesus re plied in effect: “You are following me for bread for your bodies. I did not come to earth merely to serve dinner on the ground and put on a world wide picnic. I came to give you the Bread of God.” Let us remember that the Passover lamb was not only slain and its blood applied; it was eaten and its strength assimilated. We are not only saved by the blood of Christ; we are sustained by the Bread of Christ. Yet thousands of church-mem bers profess to avail themselves of the benefits of the blood who care nothing for the blessing of the bread. The Israelites ate all of the lamb and we are to feed on Christ in His fulness for every need. They ate it that night and we are to feed on Christ NOW. They ate it with bitter herbs and we are to partake of Christ with a humble and contrite heart. They ate ready to travel and we are pilgrims and strangers, citizens of heaven, seeking a city. There was no work connected with that observance and we are not to mix our own works of righteousness with the finished work of Christ. The lamb was eaten with unleavened bread and we are to purge our hearts of the leaven of sin and wickedness. Some think they have taken care of this matter by observing the Lord’s Supper. Some of us tack that ordinance on to a Sunday service, then rush out to our Sunday dinner or an afternoon of pleas ure. We profess that Christ is our life, our meat and drink. Now if we feed on the godless trash of this world, what a farce we make o f it all! No Christian can grow in grace and the knowledge of Christ if He does not make Christ His meat and drink. One hour at Sunday school will not take care of that. A hurried morning devotional reading will not do it. What sickly anemic Christians we are, undernourished and underfed! Indeed, the apostle Paul speaks of those who are weak and sickly and those who sleep in death because they unworthily partook of the supper of the Lord. We are never worthy in ourselves but we partake in an unworthy manner, not discerning the Lord’s the preaching of God’s Word today. If my preach ing were popular, I’d think I was backsliding. Alexander Whyte said, “ The true preacher may have, usually has but few people as people go in our day and the better the preacher sometimes the smaller the flock. It was so in the Master’s case. The multitude followed after the loaves but they fled from the feeding doctrines till He first tasted that dejection and sense of defeat which so many of His best servants are fed on in this world. Still as our Lord did not tune His pulpit to the taste of the loungers of Galilee, no more will a preacher worth the name do anything else but press deeper and deeper into the depths of truth and life as was the case with the Master till his followers, though few, will be all the more worth having.” We Americans are so enslaved to statistics, with such a mania for crowds and such an obses sion for numbers, that we can imagine no greater disgrace than a small congregation. Some are so crowd-conscious that they cannot enjoy a meeting unless there are several thousand people present. They would have been so discouraged at small attendance had they been at Aldersgate when John Wesley was converted or in that little chapel on a snowy morning when Spurgeon was saved that they could never have discerned the presence of the Lord for worrying over the absence of the people! Some of us are more afraid of a drop in attendance and a slump in statistics than false teaching or worldliness. A sermon that thins the congregation is to be abhorred more than the world, the flesh and the devil. Some do not fear the pow ers o f darkness as much as a substandard report on an off Sunday. We are so busy counting nickels and noses that we ransack books and study stunts and borrow from Hollywood trying to fill audi toriums that may need first to be emptied. A well-known minister and his wife visited a church where a popular preacher was packing them in. The minister whispered to his wife, “ I could never fill this place.” “No,” she replied, “but you could empty i t !” Peter Marshall said the pow er of Pentecost in our churches today would either fill our churches or empty them. Some need to be emptied first, emptied temporarily in order to be filled permanently. The business of the preacher is to fill the pul pit; the business of the people is to fill the pews. If the preacher becomes too intent on filling the pews, he will not fill the pulpit. Nor is it quite correct to say, “ Feed them, and they will come.” Feed their bodies and they will come but a hunger for God’s Word is not a natural appetite. People who love God have an appetite for His Word but the natural man receives not such things. Now Christians ought to fill God’s house with people who need to hear God’s Word and get saved but OCTOBER, 1967 9 Some people are more afraid of a drop in attendance than a false teaching or worldliness! body, when we do not realize and appreciate and appropriate the provision God has made for us in Christ; when we have no regard for it; when we go about the memorial of His death carelessly; when we make of the memorial a ceremony with no apprehension o f the truth behind the symbols. What does it mean to feed on Christ? Our Lord made it clear that it was His words that were spirit and life. We feed on the Living Word as we read and inwardly digest the written Word. If we abide in Him and His words abide in us, we shall have what we ask (John 15 :7 ); if we love Him, we will keep His words (John 14:23). I f we are ashamed of Him AND HIS WORDS, He will be ashamed of us one day (Mark 8:38). Some of us say we are not ashamed of Him but we are ashamed of some things He said for we are not willing to do them. To feed on the Living Word is more than read ing the Bible. It is not enough to check a report card with the comfortable satisfaction of having read an allotted number of chapters. It is more than memorizing the Scriptures. Knowing the Bible by memory is not knowing it “by heart.” It is not the Word hidden in the head but the Word hidden in the heart that keeps us from sin. We can have a head full of Scripture and a heart full of sin. We may not remember all that we read any more than we remember what we had for dinner a month ago but if we appropriated what we read, we are living on the strength o f it. Feeding on the Word is more than studying the Bible. Our Lord said, “ Ye search the Scrip tures . . . and ye will not come to me that ye might have life.” The Pharisees were Scripture students but they did not know the Living Bread. A man might work in a bread shop, study bread, analyze bread, take bread apart and put it back together . . . and starve to death if he didn’t eat. God’s Word is His love letter to us. Who ever heard of anyone’s analyzing a love letter, putting all the nouns in one row, all the verbs in another, study ing the syntax and missing the sentiment? We must indeed read the Word, memorize the Word, study the Word but beyond all that, we must move from appreciation to appropriation and assimilate by faith the truth of the Word. Looking at the cake through the delicatessen window is appreciation. Eating the cake is appropriation. Some of us are only Bible window-shoppers. There must be the conscious appropriation of the Living Christ for every need, moment by moment. God has provided everything in Christ. He who spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all has with Him freely given us all things. He is able to make all grace abound toward us so that we, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. His grace is sufficient for us. All things are ours. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. To us to live is Christ and the life we now live in the flesh we live by the faith of the Son of God. We assent to the truth of all this but we must get it out of opinion into experience. Our Lord said, concerning the hungry multitude, “ They need not depart, Give ye them to eat.” We never need to leave Jesus for anything. God has made no prom ises in the Scriptures to the saints that He will not fulfill in His Son by the Spirit. There will always be enough of everything we need to do all God wants us to do as long as He wants us to do it. It is not enough to read, study and memorize the promises; we must believe them and live as though they were true and prove that they are true. A dying saint who rejoiced in God’s promises was asked, “ But maybe you do not have the right translation of some of those verses.” “Man,” she replied, “ I’ve translated some of those promises myself!” We need to translate them into our own experience. There is a popular interest in Jesus today just as with this crowd long ago. But too many are after the wrong kind of bread. Many would be for crowning Him today if He came performing miracles. But tell them that He must die to offer us His flesh and blood and they will go away com plaining of a “ gory Gospel” and a “ slaughter-house religion.” Even His disciples thin out when it comes to making Him our meat and drink. Even the most faithful have no reason for pride. Our Lord said to the few who remained with Him on this occasion, “Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil?” Judas betrayed Him, Peter denied Him and they all forsook Him and fled! But our Lord stands today as then and will not change His message to hold the crowd. He is as unpopular and His message as unacceptable today as ever. Tell the multitude that they must eat His flesh and drink His blood or they have no life and the crowd will depart and Sunday-morning disciples will disappear. But a few of us are resolved to remain. To whom shall we go? It is Christ or else! He has the words of eternal life; they ger minate and sprout when they are planted. There may be a Judas among us and a Simon Peter may deny Him but we believe and are sure that He is that Christ, the Son of the Living God. DU 10 THE KING'S BUSINESS MISSIONS FEATURE A rc Missionaries Slobs? A (Ù h a i OASI JLfOJUA AUÌCA f u A s w a tu a tin y Uni rrdàM onoA u o f k 0 V A by Don W. Hillis to d a y ? H believe that the statements recorded above repre sent a real basic influence against foreign mis sions. It is inconceivable that a young person com mitted to the will of God will allow either the ap pearance or the presentation of a servant of the Lord to become a guiding principle in his life. To dramatize my reaction, I unclasped my tie, 'l iA ISSI0NARIES ARE out reality.” •VI That’s what the man said. And he ought to know for he was one o f over 1000 Christian col legians who have heard many missionary speakers in the last three years. What’s more, he and his fellow students are strongly convinced that the world stands in desperate need o f more mission aries. These young people were not anti-antis. They were keen Christians committed to the will o f God. But when asked “Who or what has most influ enced you against missions?,” tomatoes were thrown at the missionary on furlough. Here are some of them: “ I object to the sloppy appearance and attitude of many returned missionaries, particularly the women.” “ The impoverished unkempt missionary speak er.” “Missionaries with narrow, unrealistic views of the Christian life.” “Boring missionary speakers.” “ Poor personal appearance.” “ Poor mixed-up missionaries and their presen tations.” Though I am aware o f the adverse impression careless dress and unstudied missionary presenta tions can make on young people, yet I refuse to touc^1 The author, Rev. Don Hillis, is thè Associate D irector o f The Evangeli- col Alliance Mission. 11 OCTOBER, 1967 pulled my hankerchief halfway out of my pocket and turned my jacket collar up. Then in all serious ness, I said, “ Do you really mean you would allow my physical appearance to influence a decision in your life which could have eternal consequences? One of the first evidences of spiritual maturity is a desire to learn everything you can, every time you can, from every man of God you can, in spite of any uncomfortable situation or unattractive presentation.” Perhaps young people who react too strenuous ly to “poor missionary speakers” should join the missionary staff and change the picture. In the meantime, they should read, “Are Missionaries Un balanced?” by Dr. T. Norton Sterett. In this article, Sterrett admits that missionaries seem to be puzzled when you talk to them about beatniks. They are not quite “with it” in the realm of fashion and they may be unaware of who won the world series. “ Sure, the missionary is unbalanced,” says Sterrett, “but by whose scales? Yours or God’s?” In fairness to the 1000 students, I hasten to add that 96% of them felt missionaries are people whose lives are meaningful. And in answer to the question “Who or what has most influenced you for missions?” not a few said “Missionaries and mis sionary speakers.” My survey showed that Europe i£ the most inviting mission field today. Latin America, the Far East and Africa follow in that order. As to the desired types of service, evangelism was num ber one with education, medicine, radio, and litera ture following. In an attempt to make the young people aware of job opportunities, I asked them to name and locate three mission field hospitals, three mission field radio stations, and three foreign field mis sionary children’s schools. Ninety-two percent of the students either made no effort to do so or failed miserably in the attempt. This ignorance of “job opportunities” doubtless contributes to the dirth of volunteers for His service. There is a close rela tionship between one’s knowledge of Christian service opportunities and God’s guidance. Though 73% of the students had publicly indi cated their willingness to be missionaries and had prayed the Lord of Harvest to lead them in that direction, less than 30% had ever approached a mission board. In some cases, this could be account ed for on the basis that they were just beginning their college career and felt it was too soon to move in that direction. As could be expected, there was a variety of answers to my query, “What questions about mis sions do you most want answered ?” Here are some of the more sifinificant questions and my brief answers. 1. Should a person be more concerned about the field in which he is to serve than about the board under which he is to serve ? For which I borrowed an answer—“ The team you play on is more important than the stadium you play in.” However, the field o f service should re ceive serious consideration by the missionary candidate. Even though the designation is made by the board, the candidate should expe rience the assurance o f God’s guidance. 2. What role does medicine, education, and radio, etc. play in the overall missionary program? My answer: They are a means to an end—the end of revealing the love of God and of win ning men to Jesus Christ. 3. Are you free to plan your own schedule of de votions, rest, etc.? In most cases, yes. Though in medical and educational situations the mis sionary’s time is often strictly regimented, yet in other situations the missionary may have more liberty than is good for him. I f he is not self-disciplined he may become careless both in his devotions and his work responsi bilities. 4. What opportunities are there to work with teenagers on the mission field? Many. There is probably no other age group in which there are greater opportunities. On some fields, high school and university students are sadly neg lected. The doors are wide open for youth evangelism, Bible classes and camping pro grams, etc. 5. Is it necessary for a missionary to be a spe cialist? No. Not in the sense of being an expert in some trade. There is a great need for gen eral missionaries. A solid Christian experi ence, knowledge of the Scriptures and a desire to .communicate Christ generalized or special ized ministry. No. Missionaries aren’t slobs. They are trans planted Christians who are trying to bear fruit in soil that is sometimes hard and rocky. They are soldiers who are fighting against odds. They are uninvited but God-ordained ambassadors with a tremendous message to deliver. They are represen tatives o f eternity in a world bogged down in time. They are spokesmen for the King of kings with whom they will reign forever. It is possible that what the missionary has to say to us should mean more than the fact that he is not dressed in a tuxedo or driving a red Thunder- bird with bucket seats. OB 12 THE KING'S BUSINESS Helping Our Children to Victory by Gordon Chilvers O UR children are fighting a terrific battle. They are surrounded by those who have delved far into sin. Temptation presses upon them very sorely. It is far worse for them today than it was for us parents when we were children. We are anxious to help them to the best of our ability, but what can we do? poured out her soul there in burning supplication at the Throne of grace. Her son became a valued instrument in God’s hands. Our children must make their own way in the world. We cannot fight their battles for them even if we would. As we pray for them, God’s power is at work, strengthening them against evil. He can enable them to triumph over any temptation. The Lord is more eager that our children should live nobly even than we are. One teen-ager writes: “ I shall never forget my mother’s prayers. She used to kneel with me beside my bed in an upstairs room in our farmhouse. When I was thirteen years of age, I found myself longing for greater security. Remembering my mother’s prayers, I invited Christ into my heart.” A pastor had this to say: “My mother never knew that I knew how fully she respected my per sonality. One night, I saw her on her knees after she thought I was asleep. She was praying fer vently that I should respond to the vocation where God could use me effectively. That settled my career until I married some years later.” As God answers our prayer for our children, they will make the right choices as they face the big decisions of life. At a wedding reception, the mother of the bride stood near the end of the re ception line. Watching her daughter and new son- in-law greet the people moving by, she shed tears. They were the tears of grateful joy. She smiled and said: “ I prayed Kathy into this marriage.” Only a mother, only a truly Christian mother, can fully understand all that was involved in her statement. Further, our love greatly strengthens them. Love is a basic need in every human being. The divine nature is love and so it is the most God-like emotion that we can show. It is a great moving force. We parents do far more for our children out of love than we would ever do for others to gain money. We may be disappointed because we are not able to give our children all the toys and pleas ures we feel they should have, but our love for them will more than balance that loss. They will be happier when they are loved and cared for and have less toys and outings than when parents spend their money on them, but spend little time with them. In fact, they prefer love to everything else. In the early stages o f life, love in the family is completely one-sided. The baby receives all and can give nothing in return. Only gradually does he learn what love is and in a measure gives it back. Yet how beautifully encouraging it is when it is re turned ! How it strengthens the ties of family life ! Abby’s newspaper column has this letter writ ten by a mother: “ Dear Abby: What do you think of five children who served their mother breakfast Our children must make their own way in the world. We cannot fight their battles for them. As we pray for them, God's power is at work, strengthening them against evil. He can enable them to triumph over any temptation. First, we can pray for them. Many noble men have attributed their greatness to the influence of their mother’s prayers. With the best will in the world, we may unin tentionally fail our children because we do not know what is for their ultimate good. We base our judgment on what they do and say, but that leaves much room for mistakes. Yet when we pray for them, we are asking the assistance of our Father who is too wise to err and too kind to withhold blessing. Sometimes we cannot help them because we lack the resources or because they are far away and we cannot reach them. Further, we do not always know their difficulties. Yet we can pray to our Father whose resources are unlimited. As Paul tells us, He “ is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20). The Lord can be near to them wherever they are. In the far West of America, a poor woman stood by her washtub where she was busy at work. Hot tears fell into the lather of her soap-suds. Her hands were working; her spirit was wrestling in prayer. Her heart overflowed in earnest entreaty for her son who was far away. The mother’s heart sensed something of the struggle through which her child was passing. He was on his knees in a desolate room hun dreds of miles away. A fearful temptation had as sailed his soul; the scales were swinging; who would win? The youth wrestled as if in death agony. At last he rose. Quiet determination was written in his face, and his features were lit with the radiance of victory. His mother’s prayers in the far-off log cabin in the West had decided the issue. That son became a great witness to the truth and led many into the Way of Life. How much the world owes to that poor woman’s prayer! She had 14 THE KING'S BUSINESS
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