N e o - o r t h o d o x , orthodox, funda mentalist, neo-evangelical, evangelical, NAE, WCC, ICC, FCC, ACC, GARB, CBA, NFBC, Mill, Pre-Mill, Post-Mill, A-Mill, trib, pre-trib, post-trib, mid-trib, conservative, liberal, ecumenist, ecclesiastic, Roman Catholic dia logue . . . CONFUSED? If you are confused, think of the poor unbeliever who has no back ground in theological terminology at all. Today when current theo logical trends are being discussed, the above are only a few of the abstractions that must be accom modated to the mind in the dis cussion. Add to this about 250 denominations and an innumer able number o f cults and sects, and the result is a maze of utter confusion. Satan is well aware that con fusion is his best weapon. He never denies truth, but is satis fied with casting doubt upon it and creating in the minds of men a confusion. This is more than a deterrent to the unbeliever; it is also a means of quieting the testi mony o f the Christian. Men every where in the theological discus sion seem to take delight in cast ing dust into the air and then 16
economy. It is not an heirarchy, for this too is an invention of man. It is not the preacher, for God intended that he that spoke should speak as the oracle o f God. CHRIST IS THE AUTHORITY o f the believer and ultimately of the world. He is “Head over all the church.” The declaration of that authority is the WORD of God, the Bible, as it is ministered to the believer by the Holy Spirit. An elder, or pastor, has no right to declare anything but a “ Thus sayeth the Lord.” It is the BIBLE obeyed as the authority in our lives that clears away the fog of confusion. ARE YOU CONFUSED? You need not be. God has fur nished us an authoritative guide for our lives. It involves, first of all, our personal commitment to Christ; and secondly, our accept ing with confidence, HIS Word. As a road map will never lead you to a destination unless it is unfolded and followed, neither will the Bible rid you o f the con fusion unless it is both read and followed. Our avowed purpose must be to unfold God’s road map and encourage men to follow its clear directions. THE KING'S BUSINESS
complaining because they cannot see. MUST MAN BE CONFUSED? No! Confusion is the result of no authority and we have an au thority. In the home we create irresponsible ch ildren because they are not made aware of the authority o f that home; therefore there is confusion. In the schools the children are denied the direc tion that can only come from au thority; therefore we have delin quency. In society the State does not assert firmly its delegated au thority; therefore we have law lessness and crime. In Christian ity there is often no certain au thority, resulting in the moral and spiritual confusion that is ram pant today among us. WHAT IS THAT AUTHORITY? There are some negatives which first need to be declared. This au thority is not the church. The term church itself is the most con fusing o f all. God ordained that the church was to be the instru ment o f service, edification and worship of the believer. It is not an ecumenical organization of ecclesiastics. There is no provi sion for such in God’s declared
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