King's Business - 1967-10

experience. That’s the way you ought to regard your Bible read­ ing. One way to insure this is to get into regular habits of read­ ing, just aS you have regular meal times. Pick a time of the day which is most practical for your schedule (mornings, if possible), and get yourself accustomed to the idea that this is part of your daily program. Before you read, thank God for your spiritual food, just as you give thanks before eating. This simple act makes all the differ­ ence in the world in your attitude towards the Book. Concentrate on your spiritual food, separating the meat from the vegetables, the appetizer from the dessert. I like to keep a ball­ point pen-in my hand, just as I use a fork in eating. I swoop down on a word or a verse in scripture as I read, and by underlining it with my pen, my mind and my heart fasten upon it, and I sepa­ rate it from the rest of the page, just as I separate a fork-full from the whole plate before me. If there is one single mechani­ cal way for you to improve your enjoyment and comprehension of the Bible, it is by using a pen to make it your personally-appropri­ ated property. I might add that since I read the Bible through every year, I have to start with a new copy every year. That way, my meals are always new and fresh. One other thing: don’t neglect the Old Testament. Anybody with an ordinary education can read and appreciate all the books of the Old Testament. They consti­ tute three-quarters of the Scrip­ tures, and they are the best com­ mentary on the New Testament ever written. So, start today, or tomorrow at the latest, to take a tr ip through the Bible in one year, preparing your mind to enjoy it, and asking God to give you the wisdom to understand it as never before. Reprinted by permission from CBMC CON­ TACT.

but we are getting Gospels into the hands of people in Communist nations the world over. Gospels printed in the language of the country to which they go are distributed by a special method. Recipients tell of great blessing and plead for more Scriptures. We need immediate prayer support to distribute 200,000 Gospels to spiritually deprived people behind iron curtain countries. For more information please write to J. Edward Smith,' International Director . Alfred A. Kunz,


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“ And seeing the multitudes , He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd* (Matt. 9 :36- -NA SB)

If a man could for one moment see the world through the tears of Jesus, he would never be the

The- purpose of the training at Talbot Theological Seminary is to produce skilled ministers of the Gospel whose theological knowledge is in direct proportion to a compassionate heart which seeks, in love, to share. For to know in itself is nothing. Effective training produces not just a theological thesaurus, but a throbbing thoroughfare from which the Word of God may pass to the healing of a sick and dying world. This is the Talbot perspective! Offering B.D., Th.M . and M.R.E. degrees TALBO T THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif. 90638 Charles L. Feinberg, Th.D.. Ph D., Dean

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