King's Business - 1967-10


THE ECUMENICAL DREAM: One Big Church by the Rev. Bruce W. Dunn, M.A., Th.D., Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, 114 West Forrest Hill Avenue, Peoria, Illinois.

t h e is the movement to ■ bring all denominations and all churches to­ gether into one religious body. Many of its leaders make clear that the ultimate goal involves com­ plete Protestant-Catholic union! There is a tre­ mendous thrust in that direction. Not long ago, U.S. News and World Report had a big title on its front cover about a super-church: “Will there e c u m e n i c a l m o v e m e n t

be one church ?” and a later one: “ Are the churches in trouble?” I am very much opposed to the present ecu­ menical movement as it is being carried on but that does not mean that I am opposed to all unions or mergers of denominations and churches. Un­ questionably, there are some groups that could con­ ceivably get together at no sacrifice of truth. Some



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