ences to the present and coming revolution! One Princeton Seminary professor declared that there are some situations where change can be obtained only by the threat or the use of violence. Revolu tion! No spiritual emphasis whatsoever! The whole idea was that we must change the social structures, change society, work on the government, get politi cal action, social action, legislation. The Na tional Council of Churches is a part of this same picture, o f course. Many liberal churchmen would seem to agree thoroughly with the liberal politi cian that a changed world will be achieved by political and educational action. Where is ecumenism going to lead us then? It’s going to lead, as far as the church is con cerned, to a great hierarchical religious machine in which there will be less and less religious freedom for the individual congregation and people and pastor. We have already been told that bishops are on the way and we are going to have to have bishops in the new merged church — the 20 mil lion-member-Blake-Pike church. The Ecumenical Movement has as its main impetus and drive, the desire to have a great monstrous ecclesiastical pow er-block in order to influence government and leg islate in an era of righteousness, and it can’t be done. The “ ecumaniacs” are not interested in the salvation of souls. They couldn’t care less about the Person of Christ, no matter how much pious talk you may seem to hear to the contrary. In the last analysis, when you delve deep, they are at one with the political liberals. They don’t believe man is wicked and sinful. They hate the truth of our Lord that the world will be divided till He rules it. They refuse to face the reality about godless Communism’s being wicked or Russia’s being evil. So this is the way we are going. We are going to have a great political lobby and according to the conference in Geneva we need a world gov ernment, and that’s all the Ecumenical Movement is going to be noted for. That will be its main accomplishment. If I understand the prophetic Scriptures correctly, world government will come, but it will be a world government under one whom the Bible calls the man of sin, the antichrist. No, one world church is not necessary and don’t you be taken in. The American people are really getting brainwashed by the ecumenical movement and the U.N. America is being brainwashed into thinking that world government is the answer; the United Nations is the answer. And a great ecu menical church is the answer! The only answer to the world’s ills is the same as it always has been — the saving Gospel of Christ — winning men and women one by one — and then those re deemed men and women going out into their social contacts to be a witness for Christ and to put their influence upon society. God help us to obey Him! DU
obstacles within man himself. Robert Maynard Hutchins, former president of the University of Chicago, declares: “ Liberalism is faith in man, faith in every man, faith that men, if they are well enough educated and well enough informed, can solve the problems raised by their own aggre gation.” Because of that basis, the liberal believes that there are only two obstacles to bringing about a changed world. One is ignorance, and the second is bad social institutions. There is nothing within man himself, nothing inherent in his nature that can prevent the bringing in of a golden age and a great and good society. That’s pretty much what the liberal theologian believes and that is why he majors in what we call the social gospel as distinct from the soul gospel. He has a great optimism about human nature that is unwarranted from God’s Word. Ironically, much of modem religious liberalism finds agreement with godless Commu nism in its attempt to change man by altering his environment. If these two obstacles are the only ones, how are you going to overcome them? There are only really two ways. The answer to ignorance is edu cation. It must be liberal education, it must be ra tional education, it must be education that weans people away from all traditional concepts and all this business of supematuralism that fetter, and bind, and enslave. The liberals hold that we must be freed from the old traditional concepts by a special kind of man-centered, humanistic education without God and without Christ, without the Chris tian revelation. My dear friends, it is no accident today that your liberal politicians are the great driving force in massive federal education pro grams with the idea of coming and telling your school board what your children are to be taught. They want an education of the kind that will con dition our people to accept the idea of a world changed by education and government, rather than by redeemed people in Christ. What about those bad social institutions? How are you going to get rid of them? By legislation! And if you are going to get rid o f those by legis lation, then you need a big, strong central govern ment. The more we can centralize the power and get it all into one place, the easier to legislate away these bad social structures and bring in the golden age. The Presbyterians sent a man over to Geneva, Switzerland to the 1966 Conference on the Church and Society under the World Council of Churches, and if the speakers had been chosen by the Krem lin, they wouldn’t have given the party line any better. Everybody on the platform praised social ism to the skies, blasted the United States for all its activity in Viet Nam, heard hearty endorse ments of world government and constant refer- 24
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