King's Business - 1967-10

book reviews by Arnold D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College


2 Timothy 3.15

remedy for anxiety is one of the clearest and most helpful that has been presented in recent years. The value of prayer and confession is placed in a perspective that will chal­ lenge the reader to re-evaluate what he has done in the past and motivate him to new honesty and greater at­ tempts in the present. A very fresh and helpful section on conflicts be­ tween the sexes will interest and assist both men and women. The author emphasizes the re­ demptive fellowship of prayer cell groups which is reminiscent of an­ other work by William Parker, “ Prayer Can Change Your Life.” “ The Art of Understanding Your­ self” should receive a warm accept­ ance because of its fresh insights and practicality. 216 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub.; Grand Rapids, Mich.; $4.95. — Re­ viewed by Mr. Norman Wright. The author states that the basic question people are asking today is “Who am I? ” i.e., the search for identity. Over thirty concise but per­ tinent and provocative chapters are presented under the major headings of “Who You Are,” “ The New Iden­ tity Through Christ,” “ F i n d i n g Some Things in Us We Do Not Like,” “ Coming to Maturity,” “ A Christian Identity in Marriage and Leading Children to a Christian Identity.” Mr. Jabay, who speaks from a C l i n i c a l Chaplaincy background, gives some sparkling insights on the practical level which will aid pastor and layman alike. The brief time that it would take to read this new work will be well spent and you may find yourself drawn back to the volume. The author does not attempt to have the final answer for each problem he confronts but in the final analysis challenges one to present this to God. There is a careful and accurate use of Scripture and the conclusion of the search rests ultimately in Christ. The chapter on “ The Working Wife” is a “must” for those planning on marriage and for the young married Search for Identity by Earl Jabay

The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch by Donald W. Patten

Critics of systems of logic or sci­ entific theory usually do a fair job of negation, but seldom postulate a principle in substitution that is eith­ er logically or mechanically sound. Mr. Patten does an outstanding job, academically, of both negating the current theories of the origin of our solar system and giving a most thought-provoking new astronomical hypothesis. His position on catastro- phism and its relationship to the subjects of the gap, canopy, ice epoch, flood, endocrinology, environ­ mental determinism and ape man are most stimulating. The degree to which the field of humanities in gen­ eral has been influenced by unifor- manistic philosophical scientists is appalling. The recognition of this erroneous influence should alert and give new confidence to the Christian student of Genesis and shake the cobwebs of pseudo-intellectual, anti­ spiritual blindness of the non-believ­ er into a new awakening and desire for further consideration of the Genesis account. In addition to a very high degree of academic finesse there is never lost from sight the spiritual depth and purpose of Gene­ sis. This book is the type that in past ages has sent its authors to martyrdom for daring to break with the intellectual status-quo. — 325 pages; paper; Pacific Meridian Pub. Co., Seattle, Wash.; $7.50. — Re­ viewed by Wayne Roy. The Art of Understanding Yourself by Cecil G. Osborne The writing of Dr. Osborne re­ flects a depth of understanding of human behavior and needs and he proceeds to encounter life’s prob­ lems with practical and Scriptural answers. His book indicates a wide breadth of research with the ability to translate his knowledge to the lay person. Subjects included are loneliness, guilt, confession, anxiety, your self image and others. The coverage and

longer than any Cambridge University Presents held the privilege, the responsibility, of publishing the greatest book of all, the Holy Bible.




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