A Personal Testimony by Stanley D. Myers
• Programed to meet to day’s individual spirit ual needs. • Broadcasts of national reputation and excel lent quality.
I w a s A h a p p y , prosperous, success ful and enthusiastic adherent of the Christian Science religion for thirty years. From the time I was eight years old I knew nothing of the teachings of any other religion nor of the Bible. However, my active interest and dedication to the cause of Christian Science did not reach its zenith until 1945 when I was in Germany with the United States Infantry. The proper term to use of my experi ence at that time is that I caught on fire. I read and studied every piece of Christian Science literature I could find, haunted the Christian Science reading rooms and practiced all that I could apprehend of the doctrine. I was considered to be a “ successful Christian Scientist,” leading what I judged to be an “overcoming life” and demonstrat ing the doctrines of Mary Baker Eddy. At that time I had definite plans for the future. First, I wanted to be a class-taught student, then a practitioner on a full-time basis, a reader in a local church, first reader in the Mother Church in Boston, a lecturer and a teacher of Christian Science. I made out a time schedule and set about to reach these goals. I studied twenty to twenty-five hours a week, rising at 5:00 A.M. nearly every day and devoting much time to prayer and research. I was elected the first reader of the Second Church of Christ Scien tist in Akron, Ohio, when I was twenty-five years old. I declined at that time but was again elected three years later. I served on the board of directors as a vice-president and later as president. Joining with an other young man, I opened an office as a practitioner in Akron and was considered to be successful in this work. Having completed all my paper work, I was on the approved list to be a Christian Science Wartime Min ister, and I had had the final inter view with the manager of this ac tivity. I was completely happy and felt no lack in my life. I was not looking for anything else. Before long I discovered that (Continued on next page)
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