SAVED Continued many of the questions that I could answer satisfactorily to myself out of my background in Christian Sci ence were in direct conflict with the answers given from the Bible. While this rankled me, I really believed that I had the greater light on these particular subjects and that some time these people who disregard with me would come into the light of the truths of the Bible as I had done. After all, I had participated in many wonderful physical healings through prayer and I had known of outstanding healings in others who practiced Christian Science — real miracles that defy explanation. To me this was the acid test. Heal ings must follow prayer as a natural result if man is in a right relation ship with God. But one thing actual ly made me feel ashamed for the Bible teachers — the constant ref erence to Jesus Christ. I very sel dom heard the terms for God, such as Father and Lord, but I did hear a lot about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I rebelled in my heart when I first realized that these men in a Bible class in another church considered Jesus Christ to be God and were, in fact, teaching this very thing. However, I wanted very much to know how they came to this conclu sion. I knew that they believed that the Bible was inspired of God and that not only the ideas expressed were inspired of God but that even the words were of His choosing. In other words, it was God’s Book, He was the Author, and therefore it contained no mistakes. I had had contrary teaching. Mary Baker Eddy had declared that so much human error and “mortal mind” (a Chris tian Science term defined on page 591:25-592:10 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures) had crept into the Bible that all of the Bible could not be accepted (see page 129:15-27 of the Christian Science textbook). However, I reasoned that if I could not believe all of the Bible, I could certainly believe the words of Jesus Christ and accept them as being without error. Because of different interpreta tions of some of His sayings, I set tled on a plan: I would search out only those statements of Jesus Christ that were crystal clear, that without an element of controversy declared who He considered Himself to be. My purpose was to disprove the claims of the Bible teachers that Jesus Christ is God. I was very dili gent. I screened every saying of Jesus in all four Gospels. I was, of course, prejudiced, really looking for those statements that would disprove (Continued on page 89)
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