SAVED Con tinued The blessed Holy Spirit of God came upon me one day as I was driv ing my car to work. Although I did not hear a voice I knew I was in the presence of God. An absolute heart conviction overwhelmed me that the Bible was the Word of God. It is not a book written by men about God but a book written by God. The Bi ble is not a book by men seeking a lost God but a book about God seeking lost men. I could therefore believe every word in the Bible be cause it was God’s declaration to men. Immediately I cried aloud with great joy and enthusiasm, “Well, praise the Lord — I’m a sinner!” This so utterly surprised me that I was dumbfounded. Why did I say a thing like that? It was absolutely contrary to thirty years of indoc trination, fo r Christian Science teaches that there is no sin. As I searched my heart and mind for an answer the Scripture came: “ For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). And again the conviction came that no matter how good a life I could lead under the influence and practice of the high moral concepts of Christian Science, this would not make me worthy to stand before a holy God. A holy God! I realized my utter hopelessness; I was lost. When I realized my lost condition before a holy God, the Holy Spirit of God again spoke to my heart and said, “ It’s true, but Jesus Christ of Nazareth went to the cross two thou sand years ago and paid the debt for you. God has said, ‘The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eter nal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’ [Rom. 6:23]. God cannot for give your sins just because you are a sinner. He knew your lost condi tion and because He requires a sacri fice He sent His only-begotten Son to die the death on the cross for you. And if you will accept God’s plan for your salvation, His life for your life, you shall be saved.” I cried out, “ I accept Jesus and Him crucified as the payment for my sins. I don’t understand it, but I accept this if it’s true.” Oh, the joy that overflowed me as I met Je sus as my personal Saviour! Like Thomas, I bowed my knee and cried out to Jesus, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). When I opened up my heart to Christ and said, “ Jesus, I accept You for all the Bible declares You to be,” He introduced me to the Father and my joy became complete. For Jesus declared, “ I am the way, the (Concluded on next page)
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EDITORIAL (continued) Christ as set forth in the Bible, there is no logical stopping-point until he too reaches the hopeless depths of bloodless, barren Unitari an humanism and is without God and without hope in this world and in the world to come. Above quotations are used by written permission of the editors of “Life,” Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y. 0 CHRISTIAN COUNSELING A staff of sixteen dedicated Christian psycho logists and professional counselors plus one full time medical doctor. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre marriage, marriage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAM0RE, Director PHONE 288-7000 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 1409 Walnut Grove Rosemead, Calif. THE KING'S BUSINESS
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