King's Business - 1967-10

S A V E D Concluded truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). How I had struggled in earlier days with the Trinity, but in a mo­ ment of time I met the Holy Spirit, the Son and the Father, and in just that order. I felt as though I had been an orphan and rejected all my life (I had a wonderful home — I am not referring to that). Suddenly I was adopted into a royal family and had all the rights and privileges of the most exalted one in the house. Praise God! There was rejoicing in heaven that very hour for one sinner saved by the grace of God through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. A few months later some of the brethren questioned me on the doc­ trine of Christian Science, and I found I was unable to answer their questions. At one time I could have finished any statement of Mary Bak­ er Eddy’s that someone could begin, tell where it was found and the con­ text in which it was written. But in an instant of time God completely removed this false doctrine from my mind. God’s promise is true — I am not a reformed Christian Scientist, nor one who has seen the light. God’s Word says, “ If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17). I am a new creation. In resigning from the local church and the Mother Church in Boston I wrote: “ I have come to the absolute conviction that Jesus Christ is more than Mary Baker Eddy declares Him to be, and that He cannot be any­ thing less than the Bible declares Him to’ be.” Eternity in either heaven or hell depends on what we do about Jesus Christ and the blood He shed at Calvary to pay the awful price re­ quired by the Father. Stanley Myers is a businessman in Akron, Ohio. A graduate of Akron University with a degree in electri­ cal engineering, he formerly served as vice-president and sales manager of an industrial electrical sales and service company handling large mo­ tors, transformers, etc. He is now owner of a corporation that re-re­ fines oil in electrical transformers while they are still energized. His full testimony in book form can be obtained from Christian Publica­ tions, Inc., 25 S. 10th St., Harris­ burg, Pa. 17101. HD Condensed from an article in The Alliance Witness (1-19-66) and used with permission.

Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class T HE FORMER president o f the New York Academy o f Science, Dr. A . Cressy Morrison, declares that it is possible to demonstrate mathematically that the universe could not have just happened or evolved. He says it shows such definite design and purpose that it demands a “ Master M ind” to ac- count for its many perfections. He points out that the earth rotates on its axis at 1,000 miles per hour. If it rotated at only 100 miles per hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as they are now, and the earth would alternately burn and freeze. Under such circumstances vegetation could not live. He notes too, that the sun has a surface temperature o f 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit and that our earth is at the exact distance necessary to get just enough heat, and yet not too much. Our globe is tilted at an angle o f 23 degrees and this enables us to have four seasons; if it were not tilted at this angle, vapors from the ocean would move north and south pil­

ing up continents o f ice. If the moon were not the exact distance that it is from the earth, the ocean tides would inundate the land completely twice a day. If the ocean were a few feet deep­ er than it is, the carbon dioxide and the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere would be completely absorbed and no vegetable life could exist on earth. If the atmosphere were just a little thin­ ner, many o f the meteors which are now harmlessly burned up in space would bombard us, setting great fires everywhere. Did this delicate balance just happen? N ot a chance in 10 million! As we delve into the intricate and marvelous designs o f the universe, we exclaim with the Psalmist, “ O Lord how manifold are thy works! In wis­ dom hast thou made them all!” TH0T: There is a signature of wisdom and power impressed on the works of God which proclaims His glory.

The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting for you— FREE and POSTPAID— and is yours just far the asking.


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