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by Fred D. Acord
■ wonder why no one has writ- I ten an article on the subject, “ Is Satan Dead?” The answer is quite simple. The people who realize there is a real person called Satan have no doubts that he is very much alive and kick ing! To the rest, Satan has al ready blinded their eyes with the idea that he is a mere “myth” or the figment of someone’s deluded imagination. Anyone who spiritually h a s “ eyes to see and ears to hear” realizes beyond any shadow of a doubt that Satan, realizing his time is short, is thrashing around in frantic fury, deceiving, dup ing, deluding, and playing havoc with whomsoever he can. Take, for instance, the area of the Middle East, the Bible lands, the lands dominated for so long by the tenants of the false proph et. Missionary work in these lands has been curtailed through nationalism, terrorism and wars. In some areas the Lord has raised up a national church which can carry on, and in cases such as this, it is time for the mis sionaries to leave, for their ulti mate objective is to work them selves out of a job. However, in other sections there is only a fee ble flicker of light, and in some areas, no light at all. God in His own providential way has raised up the means whereby “ these too” could hear the good news of salvation through a living Lord. The means: radio coupled with literature. A.t present there are three Christian radio stations beaming the Gospel into the teeming Mid dle East in Arabic, but air time is still miniscule as compared to Radio Cairo’s The Voice of the Arabs, with 827 hours per week. We praise the Lord for what He
has done, is doing, and will do as we by faith trust Him to do His work through this channel. A young man from Syria writes, “ I listen to your program and never heard anything like that before. I was thrilled to hear the voice of the Gospel ringing throughout our country. Please send me your schedule so I can listen to all your programs.” An other stated: “ I am sorry to say that many other stations are dis turbing our beloved ELWA. We are hoping that the change o f the time will help us to listen to our station clearly.” A voice getting through clearly in one area, and beclouded in an other ! Our time schedule was changed, trusting that the signal would get through more clearly and to more listeners. Then onto our wave length came the power ful transmitters of Saudi Arabia, broadcasting the Koran! Trusting to get more time into the Middle East, we endeavored to step up our program produc tion when because of shortage of funds, a 25% slash in our operat ing budget occurred. The problems, too numerous to mention, have plagued the Arabic work from its very inception. “ And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free” is a message that Satan does not want broadcast into this area. Satan dead? A myth? A leg end? Don’t make me laugh . . . he is too real out here! Pray that Ishmael’s children will yet hear the truth and be come unshackled from the tyran nies of darkness, to become bond- slaves to Christ. May the prayer o f Khaleel Allah (Abraham), God’s friend, be answered: “ Oh, that Ishmael might live before Thee!” DU
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