[the deity o f Christ which Peter had confessed] I will build my church, and the gates o f hell shall not prevail against it.” Dr. Greeley’s blatant and cynical denial o f such an outstanding dec laration from the lips o f our Lord raises grave doubts in the minds o f right-thinking individuals as to the validity o f any o f this Unitarian’s statements. The ultimate barrenness o f the Unitarians’ theological posi tion is found in their complete disbelief in any life hereafter. Dr. Greeley states categorically: "From the Unitarian point o f view, there is no Heaven and no Hell. Theologically, such an idea is repulsive and unacceptable in the light o f the moral affirma tions o f man. Scientifically or geographically, it is inconceiv able.” The entire article in Life points up a most distressing situation indeed. Although this theologian uses terms and words quite familiar to any true Christian, his interpretation is com pletely different from their historic meaning. As an example, his conception o f the word God is totally at variance with the Bibli cal sense o f that word. While he speaks o f Jesus as “ the greatest prophet in western history,” at the same time he insults our Saviour by denying that Jesus is God or the infinite Son o f God. He denies the existence o f sin in the human heart, declaring: "The difference between the Unitarians and the Universalists is that the Universalists thought that God was too good to damn man and the Unitarians thought that man was too good to be damned. That epitomizes the theological origins o f both groups.” Strange as it may seem, however, there is one point on which we quite agree with Dr. Greeley. It is when he states: "Millions o f people are Unitarians without knowing it.” While the figure may be open to question, the fact is self-evident. An alarming number o f men today occupy pulpits in various denominations who are preaching much the same kind o f theology which Dr. Greeley and his church believe. This is the heart-breaking trag edy o f present-day Protestantism. At least this Unitarian is honest about his convictions and forthright in expressing them. He does not hide behind a cloak o f a denomination committed to the truth. He does not profess one thing while proclaiming another. Unfortunately, altogether too many ordained ministers who took their vows to declare the eternal truths o f the Word are now preaching Unitarianism to a greater or lesser degree. These are the men who in the preceding generation were called modernists and now named liberals. Alas, this trend too is being followed by the neo-orthodox theologians. For once the authority o f the Word o f God is tampered with; once questions are raised con cerning the person and work o f the Lord Jesus Christ; once the moral and spiritual standards found in the Bible are substituted, to any degree whatever, by the sub-standards o f present-day un regenerated society— right at that point, the seeds o f Unitarian ism are sown. Regardless o f the high pronouncements o f a minis ter on other matters, once he starts on the downward trail away from the lofty view o f the Word o f God and the Lord Jesus (Continued, on page 42 )
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