JOIN TH E A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach an evan gelical^ message, associate yourself with a recognized Church Body which will provide you with all the rights of the Clergy and at the same time allow you to teach or preach without being restricted by man-made doc trines. Send stamp for literature. American Evangelical Christian Churches 192 North Clark St., Chicago, III. 60601 TH E CONVERSION CENTER A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to “ MAKE AMER ICA CATHOLIC.” Will you help keep America free to evangelize the world? Pray, give, write for soul-winning material. 18 W. Eagle Rd., Havertown, Pennsylvania
Pêop/e in the A fm t
June 23, pilot John Harverson reported difficult weather conditions in the area of his intended landing at 01- sovip. Both Department of Civil Aviation and Australian M.A.F. offi cials concluded that Harverson and his passengers lost their lives in a weather accident. John Harverson, a second genera tion missionary, is survived by his wife Joan and two children, Ruth, 3; and Peter, 2. The family went to New Guinea in June 1966. This fatal accident is the third in the 22nd year, 30-millionth mile his tory of specialist-operated “ bush” lifelines for missionaries, and is the first involving a passenger fatality. Both of the others occurred within a 250 mile radius of the present inci dent. Weather was also presumed to be a major factor in the earlier 1951 and 1955 accidents. Rev. Lawrence E. Pearson, of Oak Park, Illinois, has been named director of the extension and church relations department of Moody Bible Institute. He succeeds the Rev. C. B. Nordland who is retiring this September. Mr. Pearson has been pastor of Judson Baptist Church o f Oak Park since 1962. Other pastorates include the Norwood Park Baptist Church, assis tant pastor of Lorimer Memorial Baptist Church, Chicago, and student pastor of Lombard Bible Church, Lombard, Illinois. A graduate of Moody Bible Insti tute, Mr. Pearson is a former facul ty member. He taught Bible and theology at the school for seven years. He has also served as presi dent and executive secretary of the school’s alumni association. Family Films of Hollywood, Califor nia has released an unusual comedy church film entitled, “Charlie Church man and the Teenage Masquerade.” The 20-minute black and white sound motion picture seeks to “ take off the ‘masks’ of formalism and stuffiness that often hamper effectiveness in church programs.” Mr. Mel White, the film’s author-director, states the pur pose of the film is to furnish a re minder of the hypocrisy which one can knowingly or unknowingly wear in the normal routine of life. He de clares, “ Being honest with each other and with God is only a beginning, but it is a beginning.”
Rev. Einar Ander- *on, author of the book I Was A Mor mon, has completed a two-and-one-half m onth ’ s ministry in Europe. He is affiliated with Dr. Jack MacArthur of the “Voice of Calvary”
CEYLON and INDIA GENERAL MISSION and Pakistan Christian Fellowship CAMPS for young Nationals. COUNSELING University Students. CORRESPONDENCE BIBLE SCHOOLS in the vernacular.
Rev. Anderson radio-TV ministiy. His trip overseas was sponsored by the Scottish Reformation Society of Edinburgh. Dr. Eugene R. Bertermann, president of the National Religious Broadcast ers, announced an organizational con vention, October 16 and 17 at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, to create a new Midwest Chapter. Dr. Malcolm Cronk will be featured speaker. NRB, an organization composed of ap proximately 200 Gospel broadcasters, will celebrate its 25th Anniversary, January 22-25 in Washington, D.C. As a part of its Quarter Century Crusade, the new NRB division will be formed, consisting of midwest area Christian radio stations and program producers. The Western Chapter of NRB was formed several years ago with Dr. William Robert* of FEBC as current president. The Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society recently named Dr. Herbert S. Anderson, of Portland, Ore gon, as General Director. Dr. Ander son was elected to this position at the 24th annual Conservative Bap tist Fellowship in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Anderson will leave the pas torate of Hinson Memorial Baptist Church this fall to join the CBFMS staff in Wheaton, Illinois. The CBF MS general director carries admin istrative re sp o n s ib ilitie s of the Wheaton office staff and frequently presents the work of the mission society to interested churches and groups. The CBFMS supports over 460 missionaries in 18 countries of Eu rope, Asia, South America, and Afri ca. As part of his job, Dr. Anderson will occasionally visit the mission aries and counsel with them regard ing their work. Missionary Aviation Fellowship reports that search has been discontinued for an Australian MAF airplane with two native Bible school passengers aboard. In his final radio message on
Member I.F.M.A. Write for Free Literature 107-K North Hale Street, Wheaton, III. 60187
MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. Dr. John T. Dale, Director Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work ing in six tribes.' Needed — more mission aries; prayer partners to form prayer bands. Write for information and magazine 6018 Drexel Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131 ^ RUSHING TO RUSSIANS j g and others with the Gospel. Your prayers and help needed to support Russian and other Missionaries in Europe, Alaska, and the Americas, sendingGospel literature, and broadcasting the Gospel to Russians. Write For Free Slavic Gospel News | SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSO CIATIO N Peter Deyneka. General Director. | Dept. K 2434 N. Kedtie Blvd., Chicago, II. 60647 1 FREE GOSPEL TRACTS The Gospel to every creature. Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters. Help us reach every creature with the Gospel of Christ. For free Gospel tracts, please write: CHRISTIAN TRACT SOCIETY Post Office Box 188 Hemet, California 92343 Widely acclaimed by scholars. Meanings ob scured for centuries are made clear in the exposition of this monumental chapter. 50 cents per copy; three for $1.00. Rev. Dr. Frederick A. Aston 73 Hampton Road Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 A MAGAZINE YOU'LL READ! Vibrant 64 page pocket size monthly edited by Fred J. Meldau. Deeply devotional. Bible- based interpretation of world events. Digest of the best in current Christian thought. Evangelistic - Missionary - Pre-mi Ilennial. $2.50/year. 15c a copy. CHRISTIAN VICTORY MAGAZINE 2903 Umatilla St., Danver, Colorado 80211 A TT E N T IO N : CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, ALL ORGAN IZATIONS • Excellent Profits • Little Effort • Effective Results NEW LIGH T ON ISAIAH 53 18th Revised Edition
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