King's Business - 1967-10

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Mr. Glen W . Tuttle, former medical missioary in the Congo, has joined the staff of the American Leprosy Mission, Inc. His new position is ad­ ministrative vice president. He will work with the organization’s presi­ dent, Dr. O. W . Hasselblad, in the super­ vision of the overseas work, Dr. Tut­ tle received his M.D. from the Uni­ versity of Minnesota, and also stu­ died at Northwestern Bible College. He holds a D.T.M. from the Brussels School of Tropical Medicine, and first began his work in the Congo in 1928. World Vision International has shipped another 75,000 pounds of relief goods to South Vietnam aboard the SS President Van Burén. The vessel sailed from Long Beach, carrying $180,000 of equipment and supplies, according to Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision. Such things as a complete blood bank, a kidney pump, clothing, su rg ica l supplies, 4,680 cases of beef and turkey, and 13,500 Viet Kits, containing hygiene equip­ ment, were included in the supplies. Wydiffe Bible Translators report that their work is being continued in tur­ bulent Nigeria. Tribal teams have been withdrawn from assignments in the Northern region; however, mis­ sionary activity is moving forward in both halves of the country. Cur­ rently, special emphasis by the Trans­ lators is being given to the Hausa language in the city of Lagos, which is the major language of the north. Although a few adjustments of area have been made, very few interrup­ tions have come into the work of WBT. Wheaton College has announced four conferences to be held during the 1967-68 academic year. The Archae­ ology conference scheduled for Octo­ ber 16 will feature Dr. Bastían Van El-

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