PPA | Nailsea Abattoir


5.12 The Council requires 17% of new dwellings proposed to be built to M4(2) standard

(accessible housing). This will need to be incorporated into the design of the

scheme and a condition would be imposed to ensure the units are delivered.

5.13 The design of the scheme should reflect the principles set out in the Residential

Guidelines SPD – Sections 1 3 and 2 4 .

5.14 Parking will need to comply with the adopted parking standards 5 . Garages can

count towards the parking provision but only where they comply with the size

requirements in the adopted Parking Standards SPD.

5.15 Secure and fully enclosed cycle storage in a convenient/accessible location will be

required. Garages that comply with the size requirements can be used for cycle


Application Report/Survey Requirements

5.16 An outline application is advocated, with access to be considered and layout,

scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for future consideration. Illustrative

information comprising an indicative site layout with a housing schedule and

indicating soft planting/ecological mitigation/enhancement principles; a street-

scene elevation; and sections should be provided.

5.17 An outline application would need to be supported by the following reports:

Planning Statement;

▪ A drainage strategy (Sustainable Urban Drainage);

▪ A tree survey, arboricultural implications assessment, method statement, and

tree protection plan;

3 https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/residential-design-guide-supplementary- planning-document-part-1.pdf 4 https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/residential-design-guide-supplementary- planning-document-part-2.pdf 5 https://www.n-somerset.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/parking-standards-supplementary- planning-document.pdf

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